首页 > 解决方案 > java - 如何修复Java一次听多个键?


我和我的伙伴正在尝试为我们的计算机科学期末项目创建游戏 Pong。我们创建了一个参考代码,其中可以上下控制 2 个立方体,它工作正常。尝试同时控制两个立方体时会出现问题(一次只能移动 1 个立方体)。我们想让两个立方体同时移动。


yPos - is the y position of the black cube 
xPos - is the x position of the black cube 
xPos2 - is the x position of the blue cube
YPos2 - is the y position of the blue cube


A - Go up for black cube
Z - Go down for black cube
K - Go up for blue cube
M - go down for blue cube

我们尝试过使用更复杂的版本,它使用了 j-label 动画。我们想如何通过图形功能制作我们的乒乓球游戏。但我们不明白:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class PongHelpNeed extends JFrame implements KeyListener
  // booleans to tell which key is pressed
  boolean upKey;
  boolean downKey;
  boolean upKey2;
  boolean downKey2;

  // the position variables
  int yPos;           
  int xPos; 
  int xPos2;
  int yPos2;

  public PongHelpNeed ()
    //create window
    super ("Controller");
    setSize (660, 700);

    // set keys to false and original positions
    upKey = false;
    downKey = false;

    upKey2 = false;
    downKey2 = false;

    xPos = 100;
    yPos = 350;

    xPos2 = 500;
    yPos2 = 350;

    // add the frame as a listener to your keys
    addKeyListener (this);  
    // Show the frame

  //needs to be here because the class implements KeyListener
  public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)       
    System.out.println (e.getKeyCode () + " Typed");

  //needs to be here because the class implements KeyListener
  public void keyPressed (KeyEvent e) {
    //check if keys a,z or k,m are pressed

    if  (e.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_A) 
      upKey = true;
    else if (e.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_Z) 
      downKey = true;
    else if (e.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_K) 
      upKey2 = true;
    else if (e.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_M) 
      downKey2 = true;
    //repaint the window everytime you press a key
    repaint ();   

  //needs to be here because the class implements KeyListener
  public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e) 
    System.out.println (e.getKeyCode () + " Released");

  //paints the pictures 
  public void paint (Graphics g)   
    //set background
    g.fillRect(0, 0, 660, 700);

    //cube 1
    g.fillRect(xPos,yPos,50, 50);

    //draw cube 2
    g.fillRect(xPos2,yPos2, 50, 50);

    //if keys are pressed move the cubes accordingly up or down
    if (upKey == true)
      yPos = yPos - 15;
      upKey = false;

    else if (downKey == true)
      yPos = yPos + 15;
      downKey = false;
    else if (downKey2 == true){
      yPos2 = yPos2 + 15;
      downKey2 = false;
    else if (upKey2 == true)  {
      yPos2 = yPos2 - 15;
      upKey2 = false;

  public static void main (String[] args) 
    new PongHelpNeed (); 


标签: javaswingjframekeylistenerpong


调用repaint()不会paint立即触发对 的调用,因此可能会在keyPressed之前触发两次(或更多)paint

在您的paint方法中,您正在检查 if-else 中的键,这意味着如果其中一个标志为真,则不检查其余标志。你也有一个竞争条件,他们keyPressed正在争夺paint旗帜。此外,如果您多次快速按下一个键,您将丢失第一次处理的事件和下一次重绘之间的所有额外按键。

而不是在内部进行移动paint,您应该在keyPressed处理程序中进行。不要将标志设置为 eg upKey = true;,而是直接执行操作:yPos = yPos - 15;. 然后该paint方法将刷新视图以反映当前(更新)状态。
