首页 > 解决方案 > Endless loop when read .xml-file


I made a PowerShell script to read and write infos/settings to an .xml file.


function readSettings([string]$xmlfile, [string]$setting)
    $s = readSettings $xmlfile
    $v = $s[$setting]
    Write-Host $v

function exportSettings([string]$xmlfile)
    $xmlDoc = New-Object XML
    $settings = @{}
    $xmlDoc.settings.ChildNodes | %{$settings[$_.name] = $_.firstChild.Value}
    return $settings

function importSettings([hashtable]$ht,[string]$xmlFile){
    $xmlDoc = New-Object XML
    foreach ($key in $ht.keys){
        $settingNode = $xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/settings/setting[@name='$key']")
        if ($settingNode){
            $settingNode.firstChild.Value = $ht[$key]
            $newNode = $xmlDoc.settings.setting[0].Clone()
            $newNode.name = $key
            $newNode.firstChild.Value = $ht[$key]

if($mode -eq "read")
    readSettings($xml, $set)

if ($mode -eq "write")

(Also on GitHub.)

Whenever I read an .xml file, it generates an endless loop with RAM consumption up to 2GB.

I thought that

$xmlDoc.settings.ChildNodes | %{$settings[$_.name] = $_.firstChild.Value}

could be the reason, but I don't know how to solve it. Writing to a xml-file works perfectly fine. Can anyone help?

标签: xmlpowershell


I think that readSettings function call itself without test, and that's enough to loop I think.

function readSettings([string]$xmlfile, [string]$setting)
    $s = readSettings $xmlfile
    $v = $s[$setting]
    Write-Host $v
