首页 > 解决方案 > 通过电子邮件检查尺寸/是否完整



$FileToCheck = Get-Item -Path $folder/test.zip -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$EmailSplat = @{
    To = 'business@email.com'
    CC = 'admin@email.com'
    #SmtpServer = 'smtp.server.net'
    From = 'my@email.com'
    Priority = 'High'
$folder = "C:\test\"
#  first condition: 'If the file does not exist, or was not created today, an e-mail should be sent that states "File not created" or similar.'

if ((-not $FileToCheck) -or ($FileToCheck.CreationTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-1))) {
    $EmailSplat.Subject = 'File not Found or not created today'
    $EmailSplat.building = 'This is the email building'
    Send-MailMessage @EmailSplat
    # second condition 'If the file exists and was created today, but has no content, no e-mail should be sent.'
} elseif (($FileToCheck) -and ($FileToCheck.Length -le 2)) {
    #third condition and the default condition if it does not match the other conditions
} else {
    $EmailSplat.Subject = 'Active Directory Accounts To Check'
    $EmailSplat.building = Get-Content -Path/test.zip    //maybe add the file??
    Send-MailMessage @EmailSplat

目标:检查文件 .zip 是否完整,一旦完成,它会发送一封电子邮件,让业务该文件很好。我正在运行脚本,没有收到任何错误,但也没有收到警报电子邮件。

建立在:添加可能发送电子邮件的时间。例如,脚本将在每天早上 6:00 运行,电子邮件会发送给用户以通知文件已完成。

标签: powershell


在脚本顶部添加 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop",以便显示错误。

使用 Attachments 参数添加文件,building不是 Send-MailMessage 的有效参数

不需要 Get-Content,只需添加附件的路径即可:

$EmailSplat.Attachments = "Path/test.zip"


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

$folder = "C:\test"
$fileToCheck = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path $folder test.zip) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$emailOptions = @{
    "To"         = "business@email.com"
    "CC"         = "admin@email.com"
    "SmtpServer" = "smtp.server.net"
    "From"       = "my@email.com"
    "Priority"   = "High"

#  first condition: If the file does not exist, or was not created today, an e-mail should be sent that states "File not created" or similar.
if ((-not $fileToCheck) -or ($fileToCheck.CreationTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-1))) 
    $emailOptions.Subject = "File not Found or not created today"
    Send-MailMessage @emailOptions
elseif ($fileToCheck -and ($fileToCheck.Length -le 2)) 
    # second condition: If the file exists and was created today, but has no content, no e-mail should be sent.
    # third condition and the default condition if it does not match the other conditions
    $emailOptions.Subject     = "Active Directory Accounts To Check"
    $emailOptions.Attachments = $fileToCheck.FullName
    Send-MailMessage @emailOptions
