首页 > 解决方案 > Two order bys then picking the last element in linq


A for fun problem. I normally prefer to think about enumerables using linq statements, but in this case I'm not wrapping my head around it as well. Based on what I've read I might be needing a call to ThenBy? Below is an example of what the proper foreach implementation looks like:

var groupByRepository = flattenedBuilds.GroupBy(x => x.Repository);
foreach (var repositoryBuilds in groupByRepository)
    var groupByBranch = repositoryBuilds.GroupBy(x => x.SourceBranch);
    foreach (var branchBuild in groupByBranch)
        var versionsOrdered = branchBuild.OrderBy(x => x.Version);
        var firstVersion = versionsOrdered.LastOrDefault();
        yield return firstVersion;

Basically it groups on repository then by branch so that I can see the latest build version for each.

Even though I don't like the SQL like version of linq that seems to be the best way to express this. This version though is missing the important LastOrDefault() call.

So the question is what would this linq (or some other linq) need to make this equivalent. A goal is readability, but in looking at my current link versus the foreach loop I'm pretty sure the foreach is winning there.

var result = from build in flattenedBuilds
             group build by build.Repository into groupByRepository
             from repositories in groupByRepository
             group repositories by repositories.SourceBranch into groupBySourceBranch
             from sourceBranches in groupBySourceBranch
             orderby sourceBranches.Version
             select sourceBranches;
return result;

标签: c#linq



class FlattenedBuild
    public string Branch { get; set; }
    public string Repository { get; set; }
    public int Version { get; set; }


static FlattenedBuild B(string repo, string branch, int version)
    return new FlattenedBuild 
       Branch = branch, 
       Repository = repo, 
       Version = version 


var flattenedBuilds = new List<FlattenedBuild>()
   B("Project X", "master",1),
   B("Project X", "master",2),
   B("Project X", "master",3),
   B("Project X", "develop",2),
   B("Project X", "develop",8),
   B("Project Y", "master",1),
   B("Project Y", "feature_main",1),
   B("Project Y", "develop",4),
   B("Project Y", "develop",6),
   B("Project Y", "develop",12)

然后实际的 LINQ 内容只是按存储库和分支的所有唯一组合进行分组,然后获得最高的构建号。对于每个独特的组合:

var result = flattenedBuilds
    .GroupBy(b => new { b.Repository, b.Branch })
    .Select(g => new
       LastBuild = g.OrderByDescending(v => v.Version).FirstOrDefault()?.Version


 foreach (var x in result)
    Console.WriteLine($"last build for {x.Repository}/{x.Branch} was {x.LastBuild}");


last build for Project X/master was 3
last build for Project X/develop was 8
last build for Project Y/master was 1
last build for Project Y/feature_main was 1
last build for Project Y/develop was 12

