首页 > 解决方案 > 变换 Unity 坐标


我在 Unity 的 A、B、C 处有三个对象。我想将它们的坐标转换为一个新的坐标系,其中点 A 作为新原点 (0, 0, 0),AB 作为沿新 x 轴的线,AC 作为沿新 y 轴的线。如何在这个新的坐标空间中获得 A、B、C 的新坐标?

我查看了 transform.InverseTransformPoint(),但我不确定如何让它在这里工作。

标签: unity3dcoordinate-transformation


更简单的 - 非数学 - 解决方案是

  1. 将对象 A、B、C 放在同一个父对象下
  2. 单独平移和旋转父对象而不是所有对象 => 让 Unity 为您计算
  3. 可以选择在完成后将它们再次放置在之前的位置 - 或者如果您希望仍然能够更改它们的 localPosition 和 localRotation ,请将它们保留在旋转的父级之下。



public class CoordinateManager : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform objectA;
    public Transform objectB;
    public Transform objectC;

    [Header("Coordinate-System Settings")]
    public Vector3 A;
    public Vector3 AB;
    public Vector3 AC;

    [ContextMenu("Apply New Coordinates")]
    public void ApplyNewCoordinates()
        // just for making sure this transform is reset
        transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        // Make this object parent of objectA,objectB and objectC keeping their current transforms
        // For reverting it later store current parents
        var parentA = objectA.parent;
        var parentB = objectB.parent;
        var parentC = objectC.parent;


        // place this object to the new pivot point A
        // and rotate it to the correct axis
        // so that its right (X) vector euqals AB
        // and its up (Y) vector equals AC
        // Unity will handle the rotation accordingly
        transform.position = A;
        transform.right = AB;
        transform.up = AC;

        // Optionally reset the objects to the old parents

    // Use this method to place another object in the coordinate system of this object
    // without any parenting
    public void SetPosition(Transform obj, Vector3 relativePosition)
        // sets the obj to relativePosition in the 
        // local coordinate system of this rotated and translated manager
        obj.position = transform.TransformPoint(relativePosition);

        // adjust the rotation
        // Quaternions are added by multiplying them
        // so first we want the changed coordinate system's rotation
        // then add the rotation it had before
        obj.rotation = transform.rotation * obj.rotation;

    // Only for visualization of the pivot point A and the 
    // AB(red) and AC(green) axis in the SceneView
    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        Gizmos.color = Color.white;
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(A, 0.1f);

        Gizmos.color = Color.red;
        Gizmos.DrawLine(A, A + AB);

        Gizmos.color = Color.green;
        Gizmos.DrawLine(A, A + AC);

