首页 > 解决方案 > 如何根据技能和出勤率查询基地总人数?



在我的 Sqlite 数据库中,我有 2 个表:

TABLE: Skill Available
| Username | Skill_1| Skill_2 | Skill_3 | Skill_4 |
| Mark     | 1      | 1       | 1       | 1       |
| Jordan   | 1      | 0       | 1       | 0       | 
| John     | 1      | 1       | 0       | 0       | 
| Edward   | 1      | 1       | 0       | 0       | 
Note: Zero represents users that doesn't have that skill. (1/0 = true/false)

TABLE: Attendance 
| Username | Site  | Shift | SUN | MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT |
| Mark     | Bldg1 | Night | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   |
| Jordan   | Bldg1 | Night | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
| John     | Bldg2 | Day   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   |
| Edward   | Bldg1 | Night | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
Note: Zero represents restday. (1/0 = true/false)


| SkillList | SUN | MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT |
| Skill_1   | 4   | 3   | 2   | 2   | 3   | 3   | 3   |
| Skill_2   | 3   | 3   | 1   | 1   | 2   | 2   | 2   |
| Skill_3   | 2   | 2   | 1   | 0   | 2   | 1   | 1   |
| Skill_4   | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 0   | 0   |

标签: c#sqlite



    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SUN = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) SUN,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.MON = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) MON,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.TUE = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) TUE,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.WED = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) WED,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.THU = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) THU,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.FRI = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) FRI,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SAT = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_1 = 1) > 0) SAT

    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SUN = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) SUN,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.MON = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) MON,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.TUE = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) TUE,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.WED = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) WED,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.THU = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) THU,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.FRI = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) FRI,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SAT = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_2 = 1) > 0) SAT


    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SUN = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) SUN,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.MON = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) MON,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.TUE = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) TUE,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.WED = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) WED,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.THU = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) THU,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.FRI = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) FRI,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SAT = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_3 = 1) > 0) SAT


    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SUN = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) SUN,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.MON = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) MON,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.TUE = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) TUE,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.WED = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) WED,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.THU = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) THU,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.FRI = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) FRI,
    (Select COUNT(*) from Attendance att where att.SAT = 1 and 
        (select COUNT(*) from SkillsAvailable where Username = att.Username and Skill_4 = 1) > 0) SAT

附言。这是在 sql server db 上完成的,因此您可能会看到一些语法差异。极不可能,但如果您确实使用了 sqlite 对应项。

ps2。在 sql server 中,您可以使用 PIVOT 和窗口函数来实现此目的,但您可以使用 sqlite 内置功能来执行类似的操作,以避免脚本中的重复。
