首页 > 解决方案 > 多线程时灰度图像算法比顺序慢




public synchronized void applyGrayScale(int numberOfThreads) {
    int heightPerThread = imageHeight / numberOfThreads;
    //Set the thread counter
    int threadCounter = this.getCount();
    this.setCount(count + 1);

    /*The height per thread is calculated by the number of threads. We first start at 0. For the next thread we start at heightPerThread * [current thread number]
    So for example; first thread runs from 0 to 80 pixels. The second thread runs from 81 to 160 pixels.
    for (int j = ((heightPerThread - 2) * threadCounter); j < (heightPerThread * (threadCounter + 1) - 1); j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < imageInput.getWidth() - 1; i++) {
            //Get the RGB value and set it to grayscale
            int rgb;
            int p = RGB.getRGBW(imageInput, i, j);
            rgb = (int) ((((p >> 16) & 0xFF) * 0.2125) + (((p >> 8) & 0xFF) * 0.7154) + ((p & 0xFF) * 0.0721));
            rgb = (rgb << 16) | (rgb << 8) | (rgb);
            //Set the new RGB value per pixel
            imageOutput.setRGB(i, j, rgb);


   int threadsAmount = 5;
   final Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadsAmount];

   BufferedImage image = null;
    try {
        image = ImageIO.read(new File("C:/Cat03.jpg"));
    } catch (IOException e) {

    //Define the starting time
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //Create a new grayscale object and set the image
    final GrayscaleParallel grayscaleParallel = new GrayscaleParallel(image);

    //Thread to apply the grayscale with the number of threads
    class grayScaleThread extends Thread {
        public void run() {

    //Start all threads
    for (int i = 0; i < threadsAmount; i++) {
        threads[i] = new grayScaleThread();

    //Wait for all threads to finish
    for (int i = 0; i < threadsAmount; i++) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    //save result to file

    //Define how long it took
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    float sec = (end - start) / 1000F;
    System.out.println(sec + " seconds parallel");

输出为: 0.897 秒并行 0.798 秒串行


 for (int j = 0; j < _image.getHeight(); j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < _image.getWidth(); i++) {
            int rgb;
            int p = RGB.getRGBW(_image, i, j);

            rgb = (int) ((((p >> 16) & 0xFF) * 0.2125) + (((p >> 8) & 0xFF) * 0.7154) + ((p & 0xFF) * 0.0721));
            rgb = (rgb << 16) | (rgb << 8) | (rgb);

            imageOutput.setRGB(i, j, rgb);
    return imageOutput;

当我使用非常大的图像时,并行时间似乎比顺序图像提高了 0.5 秒,但是当我不保存结果时,并行算法再次变慢。

标签: javamultithreadingalgorithmimage-processing


问题是您的applyGrayScale()方法是synchronized- 只有一个线程可以同时执行它,因为它们都在同一个对象上运行它。您的代码中没有可以并行运行的部分。因此,基本上该过程与顺序变体中的过程或多或少相同,但是您为上下文切换和跟踪哪个线程进入该方法增加了一些额外的开销。

相反,您必须事先拆分图像 - 在创建线程时“告诉”他们应该修改哪个部分。然后将方法从正常更改synchronized为正常并让他们并行完成工作。
