首页 > 解决方案 > 根据字典的值获取键




text = '''Population refers to the number of individuals in a particular 
place. It could be the number of humans or any other life form living in a 
certain specified area. The number of tigers living in a forest is 
therefore referred to as the population of tigers in the forest. The 
number of people living in a town or city or an entire country is the 
human population in that particular area.'''

words = text.split(" ")
a = dict()
for word in words:
  if word not in a:
    a[word] = 1
    a[word]+= 1

newlist = list()
val = 7
for key,value in a.items():
  if a[key]>val:


['years.', 'years.', 'years.', 'years.']


标签: pythondictionary


为了创建一个以单词为键、出现次数为值的字典,您需要首先获取所有唯一单词。你可以通过使用setPython 的函数来做到这一点。

然后,您遍历该集合并使用 的count方法list,您可以获得每个单词的出现次数。


text = '''Population refers to the number of individuals in a particular 
place. It could be the number of humans or any other life form living in a 
certain specified area. The number of tigers living in a forest is 
therefore referred to as the population of tigers in the forest. The 
number of people living in a town or city or an entire country is the 
human population in that particular area.'''

words = text.split() # Split text and create a list of all words
wordset = set(words) # Get all unique words
wordDict = dict((word,words.count(word)) for word in wordset) # Create dictionary of words and number of occurences.

for key, value in wordDict.items():
    print(key + ' : ' + str(value))


individuals : 1
forest : 1
the : 5
could : 1
therefore : 1
place. : 1
form : 1
or : 3
country : 1
population : 2
humans : 1
The : 2
city : 1
living : 3
Population : 1
life : 1
in : 6
a : 4
refers : 1
tigers : 2
is : 2
to : 2
be : 1
an : 1
other : 1
as : 1
particular : 2
number : 4
human : 1
It : 1
any : 1
forest. : 1
town : 1
that : 1
certain : 1
of : 5
entire : 1
people : 1
specified : 1
referred : 1
area. : 2

