首页 > 解决方案 > Python - Sorting values in a dict of lists


A set of 13 sensors transmit numerical data that is read every 5 minutes. To capture these values I used a dictionary of lists:

Sensors = {

I need to sort this list so that the sensors that have had a positive increase appear at the top. To achieve this goal, I created another dictionary DeltaValues with the name of the sensor and the difference between the last and the first value captured:

  for x, y in Sensors.items():
      if len(y) > 1:
         DeltaValues[x] = format(y[-1] - y[0],'.2f')
         DeltaValues[x] = format(y[0],'.2f')

I used this syntax to sort:

sorted_d = {k: v for k, v in sorted(DeltaValues.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])}

But the result was not what I expected:


{'Sensor13': '-0.32',
 'Sensor6': '-1.41',
 'Sensor3': '-2.60',
 'Sensor9': '-3.15',
 'Sensor4': '-6.39',
 'Sensor12': '1.11',
 'Sensor5': '18.10',
 'Sensor10': '3.77',
 'Sensor7': '4.56',
 'Sensor8': '4.76',
 'Sensor1': '5.18',
 'Sensor2': '6.01',
 'Sensor11': '8.59'}

标签: pythonlistsortingdictionary


Dicts do not guarantee to return the values in order in which they were put in.

Consider ordered dict. https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#collections.OrderedDict
