首页 > 解决方案 > 如何删除基于 2 列的旧重复行但保留最新行?



id  |  hotel_id  |  user_id
1   |  1         |  1
2   |  1         |  1
3   |  1         |  2
4   |  2         |  3
5   |  1         |  2
6   |  3         |  3

因此,如果 hotel_id 和 user_id 相同,那么我想删除重复的行但保留最新的行(最新的行是较高的行id)。


我删除id 1了,因为有一个较新的行id 2

我删除id 3了,因为有一个较新的行id 5

id  |  hotel_id  |  user_id
2   |  1         |  1
4   |  2         |  3
5   |  1         |  2
6   |  3         |  3


delete test_table
   from test_table
  inner join (
     select max(id) as lastId, hotel_id
       from test_table
      group by hotel_id
     having count(*) > 1) duplic on duplic.hotel_id = test_table.hotel_id
  where test_table.id < duplic.lastId;

标签: mysqlsqldatabasegroup-bysql-delete


MySQL 中的传统方式使用JOIN

delete tt
    from test_table tt join
         (select tt.hotel_id, tt.user_id, max(tt.id) as max_id
          from test_table tt
          group by tt.hotel_id, tt.user_id
         ) tokeep
         on tokeep.hotel_id = tt.hotel_id and
            tokeep.user_id = tt.user_id and
            tokeep.max_id > tt.id;


delete tt
    from test_table tt left join
         (select tt.hotel_id, tt.user_id, max(tt.id) as max_id
          from test_table tt
          group by tt.hotel_id, tt.user_id
         ) tokeep
         on tt.id = tokeep.max_id
     where to_keep.max_id is null;
