首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 HTTP Content-Type 标头确定二进制数据与文本


我正在编写代码以在 Node.js 环境中通过 HTTP/HTTPS 读取任意 Web 资源,当它是文本数据时,我想将内容作为字符串返回,当它是二进制数据时,我想作为缓冲区返回。

很明显,以 开头的任何内容text,例如text/html,都是最好以字符串形式返回的文本数据——当然,使用适当的字符编码,可以明确定义(例如text/html; charset=utf-8),也可以不明确定义。此外,任何明确的定义都charset将表明内容是文本,而不是二进制,无论 MIME 类型如何。

据我所知,几乎所有其他内容都是二进制数据。我知道的所有音频和视频格式都是二进制的,几乎所有的图像类型,除了image/svg+xml. 似乎大多数application/...类型都是二进制的,但也有一些值得注意的常见例外,例如application/json.


function isBinary(contentType: string): boolean {
  let $: string[];

  if (/;\s*charset\s*=/i.test(contentType))
    return false;

  // Remove anything other than MIME type.
  contentType = contentType.replace(/;.*$/, '').trim();

  if (/^text\//i.test(contentType) || /\+xml$/i.test(contentType))
    return false;
  else if (($ = /^application\/(.+)/i.exec(contentType)))
    return !/^(javascript|ecmascript|json|ld\+json|rtf)$/i.test($[1]);
    return true;

标签: typescripthttpmime-typescontent-type


好吧,您可以在从 URL 获取的缓冲区上使用 istextorbinary。

例如,在 lambda 中,您将:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { isText, isBinary, getEncoding } = require('istextorbinary');
module.exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
        const customUrl = 'www.abc.net.au';
        const url = `https://${customUrl}${event.path}`;

        // Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body | undefined
        // Set fetch parameters in params
        var params = {};
        if (event.httpMethod === 'GET' || event.httpMethod === 'HEAD') {
            params = {
                method: event.httpMethod,
                headers: customRequestHeader
        } else {
            params = {
                method: event.httpMethod,
                headers: customRequestHeader,
                body: JSON.stringify(parsedbody)

        console.debug('request params: ' + JSON.stringify(params));

        // Fetch URL with params
        const response = await fetch(url, params);
        var textResponse = await response.buffer();

        var isBase64EncodedValue = false;  
        if ( isBinary(null, textResponse) ) {
            console.log('textResponse is a binary blob - setting isBase64Encoded to true on returnResponse');
            isBase64EncodedValue = true;
            console.log('isBase64EncodedValue in returnResponse is: ' + isBase64EncodedValue);
            // We need to return binary base64 encoded data for binary files - otherwise APIGW will throw 500 error back to the user
            textResponse = textResponse.toString('base64');
            // If you need to convert it back you could do something like - textResponse.toString('binary')
            console.log('When isBase64EncodedValue is true, textResponse is: ' + textResponse);
        } else {
            console.log('textResponse is not a binary blob - setting isBase64Encoded to false on returnResponse');
            isBase64EncodedValue = false;
            console.log('isBase64EncodedValue in returnResponse is: ' + isBase64EncodedValue);
            textResponse = textResponse.toString('utf8');
            console.log('When isBase64EncodedValue is false, textResponse is: ' + textResponse);


