首页 > 解决方案 > Bin Packing Js 使用框旋转实现最佳拟合


我在这里使用了 bin 打包 js 实现https://github.com/jakesgordon/bin-packing

当我将帧大小指定为 800x600

和块大小为 150x700,150x700 可以说,它不能容纳但是,有足够的空间。制作 700x150、700x150 时也是如此,它会适合它。


这里使用的 js 打包器是,

    Packer = function(w, h) {
  this.init(w, h);

Packer.prototype = {

  init: function(w, h) {
    this.root = { x: 0, y: 0, w: w, h: h };

  fit: function(blocks) {
    var n, node, block;
    for (n = 0; n < blocks.length; n++) {
      block = blocks[n];
      if (node = this.findNode(this.root, block.w, block.h))
        block.fit = this.splitNode(node, block.w, block.h);

  findNode: function(root, w, h) {
    if (root.used)
      return this.findNode(root.right, w, h) || this.findNode(root.down, w, h);
    else if ((w <= root.w) && (h <= root.h))
      return root;
      return null;

  splitNode: function(node, w, h) {
    node.used = true;
    node.down  = { x: node.x,     y: node.y + h, w: node.w,     h: node.h - h };
    node.right = { x: node.x + w, y: node.y,     w: node.w - w, h: h          };
    return node;


标签: javascripthtmlalgorithmsortingbin-packing


我添加了第二个答案,因为这与第一个答案大相径庭,并试图通过问题中提出的 2D Bin Packing 算法解决更核心的问题。使用该特定算法,splitNode例程生成可用于拟合块downright节点,但没有考虑随着可用节点的累积,相邻节点的联合可以容纳更大块的可能性......

例如,在下面提出的算法中,给定一个 800x600 的初始堆,放置一个 500x300 的块将导致堆包含 (0,300)-(800,600) 和 (500,0)-(800,600) 的两个堆块。这两个 heapBlock 将在 (500,300)-(800,600) 的区域内重叠,以确保在搜索适合块的位置时表示最大的 heapBlock 区域。down而在 2D Bin Packing 算法中,或中没有相交区域right,而是有利于一个或另一个节点的潜在重叠空间......

下面的算法试图通过实现代表最大可用块的可用堆块数组来弥补这个缺点,即使这些堆块相互重叠。缺点是在遍历块以适应unionAll的 O(n) 循环 () 之上引入了 O(n^2) 算法 () 来管理堆。fit因此,该算法的性能可能接近 O(n^3),尽管这可能是更糟糕的情况......

Packer = function(w, h) {
  this.init(w, h);

Packer.prototype = {

  init: function(w, h) {
    this._root = { x: 0, y: 0, w: w, h: h }

  intersect: function(block0, block1) {
    // Returns the intersecting block of
    // block0 and block1.
    let ix0 = Math.max(block0.x0, block1.x0);
    let ix1 = Math.min(block0.x1, block1.x1);
    let iy0 = Math.max(block0.y0, block1.y0);
    let iy1 = Math.min(block0.y1, block1.y1);

    if (ix0 <= ix1 && iy0 <= iy1) {
      return {x0: ix0, y0: iy0, x1: ix1, y1: iy1};
    } else {
      return null;

  chunkContains:  function(heapBlock0, heapBlock1) {
    // Determine whether heapBlock0 totally encompasses (ie, contains) heapBlock1.
    return heapBlock0.x0 <= heapBlock1.x0 && heapBlock0.y0 <= heapBlock1.y0 && heapBlock1.x1 <= heapBlock0.x1 && heapBlock1.y1 <= heapBlock0.y1;

  expand: function(heapBlock0, heapBlock1) {
    // Extend heapBlock0 and heapBlock1 if they are
    // adjoining or overlapping.
    if (heapBlock0.x0 <= heapBlock1.x0 && heapBlock1.x1 <= heapBlock0.x1 && heapBlock1.y0 <= heapBlock0.y1) {
      heapBlock1.y0 = Math.min(heapBlock0.y0, heapBlock1.y0);
      heapBlock1.y1 = Math.max(heapBlock0.y1, heapBlock1.y1);

    if (heapBlock0.y0 <= heapBlock1.y0 && heapBlock1.y1 <= heapBlock0.y1 && heapBlock1.x0 <= heapBlock0.x1) {
      heapBlock1.x0 = Math.min(heapBlock0.x0, heapBlock1.x0);
      heapBlock1.x1 = Math.max(heapBlock0.x1, heapBlock1.x1);

  unionMax: function(heapBlock0, heapBlock1) {
    // Given two heap blocks, determine whether...
    if (heapBlock0 && heapBlock1) {
      // ...heapBlock0 and heapBlock1 intersect, and if so...
      let i = this.intersect(heapBlock0, heapBlock1);
      if (i) {
        if (this.chunkContains(heapBlock0, heapBlock1)) {
          // ...if heapBlock1 is contained by heapBlock0...
          heapBlock1 = null;
        } else if (this.chunkContains(heapBlock1, heapBlock0)) {
          // ...or if heapBlock0 is contained by heapBlock1...
          heapBlock0 = null;
        } else {
          // ...otherwise, let's expand both heapBlock0 and
          // heapBlock1 to encompass as much of the intersected
          // space as possible.  In this instance, both heapBlock0
          // and heapBlock1 will overlap.
          this.expand(heapBlock0, heapBlock1);
          this.expand(heapBlock1, heapBlock0);

  unionAll: function() {
    // Loop through the entire heap, looking to eliminate duplicative
    // heapBlocks, and to extend adjoining or intersecting heapBlocks,
    // despite this introducing overlapping heapBlocks.
    for (let i = 0; i < this.heap.length; i++) {
      for (let j = 0; j < this.heap.length; j++) {
        if (i !== j) {
          if (this.heap[i] && this.heap[j]) {
            if (this.chunkContains(this.heap[j], this.heap[i])) {
              this.heap[i] = null;
            } else if (this.chunkContains(this.heap[i], this.heap[j])) {
              this.heap[j] = null;
    // Eliminate the duplicative (ie, nulled) heapBlocks.
    let onlyBlocks = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.heap.length; i++) {
      if (this.heap[i]) {
    this.heap = onlyBlocks;

  fit: function(blocks) {
    // Loop through all the blocks, looking for a heapBlock
    // that it can fit into.
    this.heap = [{x0:0,y0:0,x1:this._root.w, y1: this._root.h}];
    var n, node, block;
    for (n = 0; n < blocks.length; n++) {
      block = blocks[n];
      block.rotate = false;
      if (this.findInHeap(block)) {  
      } else {
        // If the block didn't fit in its current orientation,
        // rotate its dimensions and look again.
        block.w = block.h + (block.h = block.w, 0);
        block.rotate = true;
        if (this.findInHeap(block)) {

  findInHeap: function(block) {
    // Find a heapBlock that can contain the block.
    for (let i = 0; i < this.heap.length; i++) {
      let heapBlock = this.heap[i];
      if (heapBlock && block.w <= heapBlock.x1 - heapBlock.x0 && block.h <= heapBlock.y1 - heapBlock.y0) {
        block.x0 = heapBlock.x0;
        block.y0 = heapBlock.y0;
        block.x1 = heapBlock.x0 + block.w;
        block.y1 = heapBlock.y0 + block.h;
        return true;
    return false;

  adjustHeap:  function(block) {
    // Find all heap entries that intersect with block,
    // and adjust the heap by breaking up the heapBlock
    // into the possible 4 blocks that remain after
    // removing the intersecting portion.
    let n = this.heap.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      let heapBlock = this.heap[i];
      let overlap = this.intersect(heapBlock, block);
      if (overlap) {

        // Top
        if (overlap.y1 !== heapBlock.y1) {
            x0: heapBlock.x0,
            y0: overlap.y1,
            x1: heapBlock.x1,
            y1: heapBlock.y1

        // Right
        if (overlap.x1 !== heapBlock.x1) {
            x0: overlap.x1,
            y0: heapBlock.y0,
            x1: heapBlock.x1,
            y1: heapBlock.y1

        // Bottom
        if (heapBlock.y0 !== overlap.y0) {
            x0: heapBlock.x0,
            y0: heapBlock.y0,
            x1: heapBlock.x1,
            y1: overlap.y0

        // Left
        if (heapBlock.x0 != overlap.x0) {
            x0: heapBlock.x0,
            y0: heapBlock.y0,
            x1: overlap.x0,
            y1: heapBlock.y1

        this.heap[i] = null;




p = new Packer(2400,1200);
blocks = [{w:2100,h:600},{w:2100,h:600},{w:150,h:200},{w:740,h:200},{w:500,h:100}];


The final HEAP

The final BLOCKS

请注意,此算法未优化。即,它不对传入的块进行排序(即,按宽度、高度或面积等),也不会在执行将unionAll堆减少到最大大小的堆块列表之后对堆进行排序。(即,在每次调用 之后unionAll,有机会按宽度、高度或面积等对堆进行排序,以便在堆中搜索下一个要放置的可用块时,如果堆从大到小排序,算法将将块放置在最大的可用 heapBlock 中,或者如果从小到大排序,则该块将放置在足够大的 heapBlock 中......)无论如何,将这些类型的优化留作练习。

