首页 > 解决方案 > Angular 组件路由中的挑战



  1. 我无法从 routerLink 导航到默认路由。
  2. 父路径具有“:id”,因此对于子路由,它仅使用前缀“:id”。


    path: ':id', component: InterviewComponent,
    children: [                          
        path: '',
        component: InterviewQuestionsComponent
        path: ':id/interview',
        component: InterviewGridComponent



<ul class="list-unstyled components">
        <a routerLink=""><i class='interviewQuestions'></i>&nbsp; <span style="cursor: pointer;">Interview Questions</span></a>
        <a routerLink=":id/interview"><i class='interviews'></i>&nbsp; <span style="cursor: pointer;">Interviews</span></a>

  1. 我无法使用 'routerLink=""' 导航到默认路由器
  2. 仅适用于“路径:':id/interview'”的路线

标签: angularangular-ui-routerangular-routing


There are couple of things that I observed here,

  1. if I understand you correctly what you are trying to do is,

    /1 should render InterviewQuestionsComponent

    /1/interview should render InterviewGridComponent

right? correct me if I am wrong.

if this is what you want then modify your routes with below,

path: ':id', component: InterviewComponent,
children: [                          
    path: '',
    component: InterviewQuestionsComponent
    path: 'interview',
    component: InterviewGridComponent
  1. To navigate to each of these components, you will need 'id', which is a path param, so what you have done in routerLink is not correct.

modify it like below,

<ul class="list-unstyled components">
    <a routerLink="1"><i class='interviewQuestions'></i>&nbsp; <span style="cursor: pointer;">Interview Questions</span></a>
    <a routerLink="1/interview"><i class='interviews'></i>&nbsp; <span style="cursor: pointer;">Interviews</span></a>

Here I have hardcoded '1' in the path, you can make it dynamic using Angular bindings. Here's a working example on stackblitz.

