首页 > 解决方案 > 将图像上传到 tmp 文件夹时出现问题,调整大小然后上传到 S3 存储桶


我花了一整天的时间研究如何将图像存储在 tmp 中,更改其大小,然后将其上传到我的 S3 存储桶。S3 存储桶工作正常,我可以在不调整大小时上传图片。resize 函数是 createThumbnail 函数,在不与 S3 结合使用时可以正常工作,可能是因为格式错误或其他原因。第二个文件“init.php”包含所有函数。图像被上传到临时文件夹,但是当我运行脚本时,它在调整大小后不会被上传。我在本地主机上没有收到任何错误日志,当我将代码上传到我的 AWS 实例时,它只会返回一个内部服务器错误,但我的实例中的错误日志却是奇怪的空......我需要对这个问题有一些新的看法。


include "init.php";

if (@session($_SESSION["buddy"])){

    $valid_file_formats = array("jpg","png","jpeg");
    if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !empty($_FILES['banner_image']['tmp_name']) && !empty($_FILES['banner_image']['name'])){

        $folder = usernameFromEmail($_SESSION["user"]); // session based on users email
        $buddy = $_SESSION["user"];

        $name = $_FILES['banner_image']['name'];
        $size = $_FILES['banner_image']['size'];

        $path = $folder."/cover/"; // path to image folder
        $temp = explode(".", $name);
        $newfilenameKey = round(microtime(true)); // generating random file name
        $newfilename = $newfilenameKey . "." . "png"; // always using png

        if(strlen($newfilename) && strlen($name)) {
            $ext = explode(".", $name);
            $ext = end($ext);
            if(in_array($ext,$valid_file_formats)) { // valid file format array check
                if($size<=(10485760)) { // size check in bits

                    $tmp = $_FILES['banner_image']['tmp_name'];
                    $file_name = $path.$newfilename; // full path including file name

                    if(putS3IMG($bucket, $file_name, $tmp)){ // upload untouched image to S3 bucket
                        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($tmp); 

                        $type = 2;

                        $w = 300;
                        $h = 300 * ($height / $width);
                        // getting new dimensions for the new image

                        if(createThumbnail(1,$tmp,$w,$h,$path,$file_name) == 1){ // function for smaller image
                            return json_encode(array("succ" => 1));


这是包含我的函数的banner_image.php 文件中包含的我的init.php 文件。


    // connection to S3Client .... $client

    function createThumbnail($type,$image_name,$new_width,$new_height,$uploadDir,$moveToDir){
        global $bucket;
        //$type: defines the name of the new file
        //image_name: tmp name
        //uploadDir: path 
        //moveToDir: files new path incl. file name

        $mime = getimagesize($image_name);

            if($mime['mime']=='image/png') { 
                $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($image_name);
            } else if($mime['mime']=='image/jpg' || $mime['mime']=='image/jpeg' || $mime['mime']=='image/pjpeg') {
                $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($image_name);

        $old_x      =   imageSX($src_img);
        $old_y      =   imageSY($src_img);
        $thumb_w    =   $new_width;
        $thumb_h    =   $new_height;
        $dst_img    =   ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h);

        $background = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, 0, 0, 0);
        imagecolortransparent($dst_img, $background);

        imagealphablending($dst_img, false);
        imagesavealpha($dst_img, true);


        $image_name_new = explode(".", $moveToDir);

            if ($type == 1){
                $new_image_name = $image_name_new[0] . "_thumb." . $image_name_new[1];
            } else if ($type == 2){
                $new_image_name = $image_name_new[0] . "_image." . $image_name_new[1];
            $tmpPath = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $new_image_name); // getting temporary directory 

            if($mime['mime']=='image/png') {
            } else if($mime['mime']=='image/jpg' || $mime['mime']=='image/jpeg' || $mime['mime']=='image/pjpeg') {


        if(putS3IMG($bucket, $image_name, $tmpPath)){ // this part does not work
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 2;


    function putS3IMG($bucket, $file_name, $tmp){ // function uploading to my bucket
        //file_name is with directories
        //tmp is $_FILES tmp_name
        global $client;
        $result = $client->putObject([
            'Bucket' => $bucket,
            'Key'    => $file_name,
            'SourceFile' => $tmp
        if ($result){
            return true;
        return false;

解决方案:好的,所以最终我最终使用了解决问题的 AWS lambda,但它不是免费的解决方案。因此,如果你们中的任何人提出了一个解决方案,允许您在不使用第三方工具的情况下调整大小,请随时发表评论,以便让下一个查看此问题的程序员的生活更轻松。

标签: phpamazon-web-servicesamazon-s3aws-sdk

