首页 > 解决方案 > Consolibyte QuickBooks PHP 库 - 如何将参数传递给队列函数?


我希望使用 Consolibyte PHP 库将客户添加到我的 QB 安装中。我知道我需要使用以下命令来初始化和排队我的请求:

$Queue = new QuickBooks_WebConnector_Queue('mysql://root:password@localhost/my_database');  
$Queue->enqueue(QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER, $id_value);

在上面,当我对请求进行排队时,我只是传递了一个唯一的 ID ( $id_value)。查看_quickbooks_customer_add_request()方法,我看到该函数有 9 个参数。我打电话时如何设置这些参数$Queue->enqueue()

标签: quickbooksqbxmlqbfc



->enqueue($action, $ident = null, $priority = 0, $extra = null, $user = null, $qbxml = null, $replace = true)



* @param string $action     An action to be performed within QuickBooks (see the qbXML and QuickBooks SDK documentation, i.e.: "CustomerAdd", "InvoiceAdd", "CustomerMod", etc.)
* @param mixed $ident           A unique identifier (if required) for a record being operated on (i.e. if you're doing a "CustomerAdd", you'd probaly put a unique customer ID number here, so you're SOAP handler function knows which customer it is supposed to add)
* @param integer $priority      The priority of the update (higher priority actions will be pushed to QuickBooks before lower priority actions)
* @param array $extra           If you need to make additional bits of data available to your request/response functions, you can pass an array of extra data here
* @param string $user           The username of the QuickBooks Web Connector user this item should be queued for 
* @param boolean $replace       Whether or not to replace any other currently queued entries with the same action/ident
