首页 > 解决方案 > 使用特定行中的值过滤 R 中的列


我必须根据行的特定值对数据框进行子集化。这意味着如果包含大于 10 的值的行必须用作标准,以提取该行中满足条件的所有列。


structure(list(`Copper ores and concentrates; copper mattes, cemen` = c(200.53, 
274.84, 1.37, 376.686907694609), `Fabrics, woven, of man-made fabrics` = c(4093.12, 
1184.47, 0.29, 342.762777758776), Copper = c(44.76, 91.45, 2.04, 
186.843219392315), Zinc = c(80.14, 110.73, 1.38, 152.996417519341
), `Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics` = c(590.3, 286.3, 
0.49, 138.857682534305), `Fixed vegetable fats & oils, crude, refined, fract.` = c(864.14, 
344.63, 0.4, 137.44281817761), `Sulphur and unroasted iron pyrites` = c(23.99, 
55.11, 2.3, 126.599087119633), `Radio-actives and associated materials` = c(48.59, 
76.67, 1.58, 120.977338958633), `Rails & railway track construction mat., iron, steel` = c(464.66, 
214.76, 0.46, 99.259367279301), `Iron ore and concentrates` = c(46.91, 
67.8, 1.45, 97.9927520784481), `Crude vegetable materials, n.e.s.` = c(164.46, 
123.26, 0.75, 92.3812939316551), `Other plastics, in primary forms` = c(187.76, 
124.21, 0.66, 82.169386983383), `Crude animal materials, n.e.s.` = c(43.08, 
56.52, 1.31, 74.1529805013928), `Pig iron & spiegeleisen, sponge iron, powder & granu` = c(17.17, 
33.03, 1.92, 63.5399475829936), `Ores and concentrates of base metals, n.e.s.` = c(15.7, 
27.6, 1.76, 48.5197452229299), `Furskins, tanned or dressed, excluding those of 8483` = c(178.49, 
75.12, 0.42, 31.6152972155303), `Metalworking machinery (excludingmachine-tools) & parts` = c(179.18, 
71.69, 0.4, 28.6832018082375)), row.names = c("SD", "Mean", "INTENSITY", 
"INTENSITY2"), class = "data.frame")

我希望数据框必须将自身限制为在名为的行中大于 10 的值INTENSITY2.

我试过这个 tf4[, tf4[,"INTENSITY2" > 10, ]],但它不起作用。

标签: rselectrow



tf4[,unname(apply(tf4['INTENSITY2',],1,function(x) which(x>10)))]
