首页 > 解决方案 > PHP循环使用来自sqldb的数据的变量


我正在制作过去一年每个月的总贷方和借方的 html 比较表。我从 sql 数据库表中获取数据并使用下面的代码来分离每个月的数据。

使用下面的代码,我可以获取数据并显示在我的 html 页面上。但是我必须为每个月编写单独的类似代码。这只是一个示例表,对于不同的贷记、借记类别,我有多个类似的代码。所以每次我都必须复制它,就像$credit0,$credit1....$credit11

我是 php 新手,这就是我知识有限的方式。有没有比每个月编写多个类似代码更好的方法?


//setting initial variable values are 0

$credit0 =$credit1 =$credit2 = 0;
$debit0  =$debit1  =$debit2 = 0;

//Getting 12 months details in Y-M format and assigning to different variable
$month0 = date("Y-M");
$month1 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-1 months"));
$month2 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-2 months"));
$month3 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-3 months"));
$month4 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-4 months"));
$month5 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-5 months"));
$month6 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-6 months"));
$month7 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-7 months"));
$month8 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-8 months"));
$month9 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-9 months"));
$month10 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-10 months"));
$month11 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-11 months"));

//Get the date details from sqldb and assgning to variable in Y-M format

$month_check= date('Y-M', strtotime($data['date'])); 

//each loop with the data from sqldb
foreach ($datas as $data){

    if ($month_check == $month0)  {

        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Credit') { $credit0 =  $credit0 + $data['amount']; }
        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Debit' ) { $debit0  =  $debit0  + $data['amount']; }   


    if ($month_check == $month1)  {

        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Credit') { $credit1 =  $credit1 + $data['amount']; }
        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Debit' ) { $debit1  =  $debit1  + $data['amount']; }   


    if ($month_check == $month2)  {

        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Credit') { $credit2 =  $credit2 + $data['amount']; }
        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Debit' ) { $debit2  =  $debit2  + $data['amount']; }   

    same format upto $month11

echo '<table"> 
               <th>Total Credit</th>
               <th>Total Debit</th>
            upto $month11



//I have multiple similar tables for different categories


更新: 使用循环,我尝试了下面的方法,但它不能正常工作


$credit0 =$credit1 =$credit2 = 0;
$debit0  =$debit1  =$debit2 = 0;

$month0 = date("Y-M");
$month1 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-1 months"));
$month2 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-2 months"));
$month3 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-3 months"));
$month4 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-4 months"));
$month5 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-5 months"));
$month6 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-6 months"));
$month7 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-7 months"));
$month8 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-8 months"));
$month9 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-9 months"));
$month10 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-10 months"));
$month11 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-11 months"));

$months = array($month0,$month1,$month2,$month3,$month4,$month5,$month6,$month7,$month8,$month9,$month10,$month11);
$nums = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11);

foreach  (array_combine($months, $nums) as $month => $num) {

$month_check= date('Y-M', strtotime($data['date'])); 

foreach ($datas as $data){

    if ($month_check == $month)  {

        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Credit') { $credit.$num =  $credit.$num + $data['amount']; }
        if ($data['entry_type'] ==  'Debit' ) { $debit.$num  =  $debit.$num  + $data['amount']; }   



echo '<table"> 
               <th>Total Credit</th>
               <th>Total Debit</th>




标签: phpfor-loopforeach



$month0 = date("Y-M");
$month1 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-1 months"));
$month2 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-2 months"));
$month3 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-3 months"));
$month4 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-4 months"));
$month5 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-5 months"));
$month6 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-6 months"));
$month7 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-7 months"));
$month8 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-8 months"));
$month9 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-9 months"));
$month10 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-10 months"));
$month11 = date("Y-M", strtotime("-11 months"));

$months = array($month0,$month1,$month2,$month3,$month4,$month5,$month6,$month7,$month8,$month9,$month10,$month11);
$nums = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11);


$months = array();
$nums = array();

for($i=0; $i<12; $i++) {
     $month = date("Y-M", strtotime("-".$i." months"));
     array_push($months, $month);
     array_push($nums, $i);

