首页 > 解决方案 > Azure Event Hub / Topic / Queue Best Approach


If I have access to Azure Queues, Topics, and Event Hubs which is the best technology to use if I have one producer, and approximately 1000 subscribers? The message size would be less than 30k, and the amount would be no greater than 3000 per day. I've read over the Azure docs, and it remains unclear what approach is best if I need all 1000 subscribers to all get the message once?

Any help appreciated,

标签: azuremessage-queueazure-servicebus-topics


对于有大量订阅者的事件,我会使用自定义主题/事件来查看EventGrid。EventGrid 可以处理超过一千个订阅者,具有低延迟、可靠(重试长达 24 小时)和构建高吞吐量,允许每秒数百万个事件,区域不可知。
