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How copy value of input text to other Input texts elements in AngularJS 1.X

But each input has have his own property in controller

I've tried so far

 <div class="paramWrap"> // copy from here
    <label for="accoubntDis">Account Discount</label>
        <input id="accoubntDis" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="accoubntDis">

 <pre>{{accoubntDis}}</pre> // only this displayed

    <div class="space"></div>
    <div class="paramWrap">
        <label for="365Dis">O365 Exchange Unlicensed Discount</label>
        <input id="365Dis" type="text" class="form-control" value="{{accoubntDis}}" ng-model="accoubntDis12">

    <div class="space"></div>
    <div class="paramWrap">
        <label for="gSuiteO365">G Suite / O365 Exchange Paused/Archived</label>
        <input id="gSuiteO365" type="text" class="form-control" value={{accoubntDis}} ng-model="gSuiteO365">

What I see actually that only the <pre>{{accoubntDis}}</pre> is displayed

why value/ng-value={{accoubntDis}}/"accoubntDis" not worked in <input .... ??

enter image description here

enter image description here

Do I need to use any JS functions on controller side for this ?

标签: javascriptangularjs


I tried with "ng-value", its working in angular 1.5 and above. If you angular is below 1.5 you can go for below approach.

  • So better you write a function call on change of input field1, and in that function assign the value of field1 to field2. Consider the below sample example.


<input type="text" ng-model="data" ng-change="updateField()">
<input type="text" ng-model="meta">


  $scope.updateField= function(){
