首页 > 解决方案 > CSS 和 HTML 在图像上放置偏移内容以产生交错效果


我目前为我的网站提供了一个“工作”布局,该布局具有我非常喜欢的风格,其中我有一个内容偏移和覆盖图像。这几乎是我想要的位置 - 目前图像都完美居中,每个备用文本框都与右侧或左侧重叠,如下所示:





笔: https ://codepen.io/anon/pen/XLeGNN

.image-block-container {
  font-family: Arial;

.image-block-container img {
  display: block;
  margin:0 auto;
  width: 100%;

.text-block-right {
  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) 0px 0px 12px 4px;
  line-height: 28px;
  font-weight: 100;
  text-align: left;
  background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  color: black;
  bottom: 35%;
  max-width: 300px;
  margin-top: -120px !important;
  margin:0 auto;

.text-block-left {
  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09) 0px 0px 12px 4px;
  line-height: 28px;
  font-weight: 100;
  text-align: left;
  background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  color: black;
  bottom: 35%;
  max-width: 300px;
  margin-top: -120px !important;
  margin:0 auto;

@media (min-width: 768px){
  .image-block-container {
    position: relative;
  .image-block-container img {
    width: 65%;
    margin:0 auto;
  .text-block-right {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 20%;
    right: 5%;

  .text-block-left {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 20%;
    left: 5%;
<div class="image-block-container">
    <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/1280x900" alt="about_us" />
    <div class="text-block-right">
        <h1>About Us</h1>
        We are building a first of a kind network of doctors who offer Direct Primary Care and Anti-Aging (Cosmetic
        Dermatology) medical memberships for patients who want optimum healthcare driven by the latest in technology and
        -- we offer a concierge service (management and patient referral service) for doctors that specializes in
        converting "insurance" practices to the "membership" model.

<div class="image-block-container">
    <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/1280x900" alt="about_us" />
    <div class="text-block-left">
        <h1>About Us</h1>
        We are building a first of a kind network of doctors who offer Direct Primary Care and Anti-Aging (Cosmetic
        Dermatology) medical memberships for patients who want optimum healthcare driven by the latest in technology and
        -- we offer a concierge service (management and patient referral service) for doctors that specializes in
        converting "insurance" practices to the "membership" model.

标签: htmlcss


一种方法是在元素上使用弹性框。.image-block-container这使得元素的行对齐更简单,更健壮,垂直居中(即 via align-items:center)。

text-block通过以这种方式使用 flex-box,您可以通过 CSS 转换来实现重叠。在下面的代码片段中,我沿 x 轴平移text-blockby以使文本块位于图像边缘的中心。50%

最后,left-overlap引入了“修饰符”CSS 类来修改元素布局的顺序.image-block-container——这使得text-block弹性盒元素的放置和顺序可以根据left-overlap情况进行调整:

.image-block-container {
  font-family: Arial;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
  /* Use flex box with row orrientation */
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  /* Vertically center children */
  align-items: center;

.text-block {
  /* Cause text block to tranlate by half width to
  overlap the image */
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  max-width: 25rem;
  background: pink;
  padding: 1rem;

.left-overlap img {
  /* If left overlap case, then change the ordering
  of the img to set it after the adjacent text block */
  order: 1;

.left-overlap .text-block {
  /* Translate text block in opposite direction for
  left overlap case */
  transform: translateX(50%);

/* Mobile */

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .image-block-container {
    flex-direction: column;
  .text-block {
  .left-overlap img {
    order: 0;
  .left-overlap .text-block, .text-block {
    transform: translateY(-50%);
<div class="image-block-container right-overlap">
  <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/1280x500" alt="about_us" />
  <div class="text-block">
    <h1>About Us</h1>
    We are building a first of a kind network of doctors who offer Direct Primary Care and Anti-Aging (Cosmetic Dermatology) medical memberships for patients who want optimum healthcare driven by the latest in technology and -- we offer a concierge service
    (management and patient referral service) for doctors that specializes in converting "insurance" practices to the "membership" model.

<div class="image-block-container left-overlap">
  <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/1280x500" alt="about_us" />
  <div class="text-block">
    <h1>About Us</h1>
    We are building a first of a kind network of doctors who offer Direct Primary Care and Anti-Aging (Cosmetic Dermatology) medical memberships for patients who want optimum healthcare driven by the latest in technology and -- we offer a concierge service
    (management and patient referral service) for doctors that specializes in converting "insurance" practices to the "membership" model.

