首页 > 解决方案 > 将最近 5 天工作簿的单元格值汇总到单个工作簿中




我发现其他人的各种帖子都希望做类似的事情,我试图在此基础上开始工作以产生我想要它做的事情。但是,我没有接受过 VBA 培训,所以我在“尽最大努力”的基础上尝试一切。下面是我编写的代码,它目前只是打开了目录中的最后一个文件。我还有一个单独的选项卡,其中包含我希望在运行宏时考虑到的公共假期。显然,我有很多事情要做,如果我能提供任何关于我应该尝试的提示和指示,我将不胜感激。

Sub WeeklyUpdate()

Dim wsCopy As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim lCopyLastRow As Long
Dim lDestLastRow As Long
Dim LastPreviousWorkday As Date

'date format to use and where to lookup the bank holidays
LastPreviousWorkday = Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(Date, -1)
LastPreviousWorkday = Format$(LastPreviousWorkday, ("yyyy-mm-dd"))
LastPreviousWorkday = Application.WorksheetFunction.WorkDay(Date, -1, Worksheets("PublicHolidays").Range("A:A"))

'This is where I want it to opens the last 5 days of workbooks from today's date including today e.g. Monday-Friday, report is always run on a Friday
Workbooks.Open "W:\Inventory\Inventory Support\3. Reporting\Daily\Daily Fails Report\Daily Fails Report " & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsb"

  'Set variables for copy and destination sheets
  Set wsCopy = Workbooks("Daily Fails Report 2019-06-26.xlsb").Worksheets("Daily Fails Report (National)")
  Set wsDest = Workbooks("Weekly Issues Summary.xlsb").Worksheets("CurrentPeriodSummary")

'Find last used row in the copy range based on data in column O
  lCopyLastRow = wsCopy.Cells(wsCopy.Rows.Count, "O").End(xlUp).Row

'Find first blank row in the destination range based on data in column B
'Offset property moves down 1 row to exclude headers
 lDestLastRow = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row

'Copy data range excluding the grand total which is always the last row (so use -1 to select the last row above it) & Paste Data into Summary
  wsCopy.Range("O9:Q" & lCopyLastRow - 1).Copy _
    wsDest.Range("B" & lDestLastRow)

End Sub


标签: excelvba




Option Explicit
Function dateStuff() As Date()
    Dim lastMonday As Date
    Dim arrDates() As Date
    Dim I As Long

lastMonday = Date - Weekday(Date, vbMonday) + 1

ReDim arrDates(0 To Date - lastMonday)
For I = 0 To UBound(arrDates)
    arrDates(I) = lastMonday + I
Next I

dateStuff = arrDates

End Function




Sub insertDateRange()
    Dim dateRange() As Date
    Dim rOutput As Range

Set rOutput = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B1")

dateRange = dateStuff

rOutput = dateRange(0) & " - " & dateRange(UBound(dateRange))

End Sub

今天运行27-Jun-2019宏将输出6/24/2019 - 6/27/2019

但如果您愿意,可以使用 VBA 格式函数来更改日期的输出格式。



'This is where I want it to opens the last 5 days of workbooks from today's date including today e.g. Monday-Friday, report is always run on a Friday
Dim wbDates() As Date, Idx As Long
Dim wbDaily As Workbook, wbPath As String
wbDates = dateStuff 'wbDates now contains an array of the relevant dates

'This will open the workbooks one at a time and you can process them as you wish
'You should refer to this daily workbook as `wbDaily` or some other variable of your choice
For Idx = LBound(wbDates) To UBound(wbDates)
    wbPath = "W:\Inventory\Inventory Support\3. Reporting\Daily\Daily Fails Report\Daily Fails Report " & Format(wbDates(Idx), "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xlsb"
    If Len(Dir(wbPath)) > 0 Then  'workbook exists
        Set wbDaily = Workbooks.Open(wbPath)
         'your code
    End If
Next Idx
