首页 > 解决方案 > Excel VBA:循环遍历行,同时按顺序分隔日期跨度





表名:TblOGCalendar 表名:OGCalendarData



表名称:TblR2Calendar 表名称:R2CalendarData



标签: excelvbaloops


is 绝不是一个答案,但更适合帮助你学习东西

可以通过各种方式循环遍历 excel 文件 - 有些好,有些坏。仅取决于您使用代码的技能水平和舒适度。

我只会概述 2 种方法

方法 #1 - 循环遍历行/列本身。我不喜欢这种方法,因为它是一种不好的做法——与应用程序对象交互是性能杀手。

dim rng as range, rcell as range

' you have to tell the compiler where stuff is at
' this is important and a commmon mistake that causes quesitons her eon SO  

set rng = Thisworkbook.worksheets("Yoursheetname").Range("yourrange") 
for each rcell in rng.Cells
    'rcell is the current cell in the range you're looping through. 
    'Will physically loop through cells top to bottom, left to right
    ' do some processing.   
next rcell

方法 #2 - 使用数组在内存中工作。这是首选方法,如果您计划在未来更频繁地使用 excel-vba,您应该擅长的方法。

dim arr as variant ' you need this for dumping sheet to arrays
dim i as long, j as long 
arr = THisworkbook.Worksheets("yoursheet").UsedRange 
 ' there are many ways to get the desired range of a sheet - pick your favorite (after researching), and use that. 
' the ubound and lbound functions literally mean upper and lower. It basically says for i equal beginning of array dimension to last. 
' the number dictates what dimension of the array you want to loop through. Excel ranges are mutlidimensional by default. 1 = rows, 2 = columns
for i = LBound(arr,1) to UBound(arr,1) 
    for j = LBound(arr,2) to UBound(arr,2)
        ' do some processing
        ' array values can be accessed through this methods
        ' arr(i,j)
        ' arr(i, x) x being a number, like if you know i want column 7 of current iteration/row
        ' arr(i+1, j-1) plus values move down, or to the right (depending on dimension) while negative value go up or left (depending on dimension)
    next j
next i

'to put stuff back on your sheet after processing
thisworkbook.worksheets("yoursheet").range("yoursheet").value = arr

