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I have 3 tables with the following columns, they are:

  1. THead - HeadID(PK), padcode, OKqty, TotNGqty
  2. TDetail - HeadID(FK), process, name, Subcode
  3. TSubDetail - Subcode(FK), NGcode, NGqty

The relations of the 3 tables are like this: THead - TDetail - TSubDetail.

I hope following images can show them clearly.

Tables with sample data

This is my MySQL Query:

SUM(THead.okqty) AS OK,
SUM(If(TSubDetail.NGCode = 'L3', NGqty, 0)) AS L3

FROM(THead JOIN TDetail ON THead.HeadID = TDetail.HeadID)
                        JOIN TSubDetail ON TDetail.Subcode=TSubDetail.Subcode

GROUP BY padcode

I want to sum the OK Qty and TotNGqty without adding the same values from the same TSubDetail.Subcode. I have tried DISTINCT, but that was not a solution.

From the image you can see from the yellow highlight sample:

For Padcode = 'KVBS-B'

I want to get the OK Qty = 2845 and the Sum NG from Table Head = 705.

But from the query above, i got the wrong result, OK = 3245 and NG = 905.

I know that the same values from the same TSubDetail.Subcode was added multiple times. But what is the correct query so i can get the true result?

I hope someone can help me and explain what is the correct query. Thanks in advance for helping me.

标签: mysql


您正在显示数据的子集,因此很难明确回答,但您的 GROUP BY 子句仅包含“padcode”列,而不包含 HeadID 列。

我假设在整个表格中,您有多个 HeadID 具有相同 padcode (KVBS-B) 的记录,而不仅仅是黄色显示的记录。结果它们也被求和了,但是你看不到是哪一个,因为 GROUP BY 太笼统了。
