首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在python中的字符串中的每个字符后添加换行符,如“.[xxx]”



It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia.[142] The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 2015.[143]

我正在尝试.[xxx].[xxx] \n;替换每个这样的字符

x 是这里的数字


Python 在字符“X”之后在字符串中插入换行符


import re
str = "It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% 
for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia.[142] The Wikimedia 
Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 
2015.[143] "
x = re.sub("\.\[[0-9]{2,5}\]\s", "\.\[[0-9]{2,5}\]\s\n",str)


It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia.[142]                          
The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 2015.[143]”


It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia\\.\[[0-9]{2,5}\]\s   The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 2015\\.\[[0-9]{2,5}\]\s

标签: pythonregex


您可能希望在re.sub. 您也不需要转义替换字符串(regex101):

import re
s = '''It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia.[142] The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 2015.[143] '''
x = re.sub(r'\.\[([0-9]{2,5})\]\s', r'.[\1] \n', s)


It reported the proportion of the edits made from America was 51% for the Wikipedia, and 25% for the simple Wikipedia.[142] 
The Wikimedia Foundation hopes to increase the number in the Global South to 37% by 2015.[143] 
