首页 > 解决方案 > 在 python 中如何正确使用类装饰器链?


我目前正在学习装饰器并理解,装饰器可以通过两种方式创建:作为函数和作为类。作为我从这个答案指导的一个类 从pep318 阅读这个例子我决定重写例子 4 来检查函数的属性和返回值类型。所以下面是一些代码:

from inspect import signature

def accepts(*types):
    def check_types(f):
        f_args = list(signature(f).parameters)
        assert len(types) == len(f_args)
        def inner_f(*args, **kwargs):
            for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
                assert isinstance(a, t), f"arg {a} doesn't match {t}"
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        inner_f.__name__ = f.__name__
        return inner_f
    return check_types

def returns(rtype):
    def check_returns(f):
        def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            assert isinstance(result, rtype), f"return value {result} doesn't match {rtype}"
        new_f.__name__ = f.__name__
        return new_f
    return check_returns

class CheckTypes(object):
    def __init__(self, func, *types):
        self._func = func
        self._types = types
        f_args = list(signature(self._func).parameters)
        assert len(types) == len(f_args)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for number, (a, t) in enumerate(zip(args, self._types)):
            assert isinstance(a, t), f"{number} arg {a} with type {type(a)} doesn't match {t}"        

class ExternalWrapperCheckTypes(object):
    def __init__(self, *types):
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, func):
        return CheckTypes(func, *self._types)

class CheckReturns(object):
    def __init__(self, func, *types):
        self._func = func
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = self._func(*args, **kwargs)
        assert isinstance(result, self._types), f"return value {result} doesn't match {self._types}"

class ExternalWrapperCheckReturns(object):

    def __init__(self, *types):
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, func):
        return CheckReturns(func, *self._types)

@accepts(int, (int, float))
def decorated_by_functions(arg1, arg2):
    return "Incorrect output"

@ExternalWrapperCheckTypes(int, (int, float))
def decorated_by_classes(arg1, arg2):
    return "Incorrect output"

def main():
    res1 = decorated_by_functions (42, 42.42) # AssertionError: return value s doesn't match (<class 'int'>,)
    res2 = decorated_by_classes(42, 42.42) # Ignore assertion

那么,在什么问题上呢?decorated_by_functions将按预期导致断言错误,但decorated_by_classes忽略断言。在我看来 - 两种方法中的重载函数的问题__call__,我可能会返回类的实例或其他东西,但是当我返回它时 - 行为没有改变。

标签: pythonpython-3.xclassdecoratorpython-decorators



实际上,我的直觉是正确的——我需要返回正确的对象,感谢pythontips它是我们的函数,使用 params: 调用self._func(*args, **kwargs)。感谢大家的关注和您的时间!


from inspect import signature

class CheckTypes(object):
    def __init__(self, func, *types):
        self._func = func
        self._types = types
        f_args = list(signature(self._func).parameters)
        assert len(types) == len(f_args)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for number, (a, t) in enumerate(zip(args, self._types)):
            assert isinstance(a, t), f"{number} arg {a} with type {type(a)} doesn't match {t}"

        return self._func(*args, **kwargs)

class ExternalWrapperCheckTypes(object):
    def __init__(self, *types):
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        return CheckTypes(func, *self._types)

class CheckReturns(object):
    def __init__(self, func, *types):
        self._func = func
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = self._func(*args, **kwargs)
        assert isinstance(result, self._types), f"return value {result} doesn't match {self._types}"

        return self._func(*args, **kwargs)

class ExternalWrapperCheckReturns(object):
    def __init__(self, *types):
        self._types = types

    def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        return CheckReturns(func, *self._types)

@ExternalWrapperCheckTypes(int, (int, float))
@ExternalWrapperCheckReturns((int, ))
def decorated_by_classes(arg1, arg2):
    return "Incorrect output"

def main():
    ans = decorated_by_classes(42, 42.42) # AssertionError: return value s doesn't match (<class 'int'>,)
