首页 > 解决方案 > 脚本作为本地系统运行时的额外字符


我有一个包含几个功能的脚本。第一个函数在 HKLM\Software\Test (\UDF1-30) 中创建一些注册表项。第二个函数获取写在 UDF# 键中的任何字符串,包含它们(每个 UDF 一行,由管道字符分隔)并将它们复制到 HKLM\Software\CentraStage\Custom#。

为了测试,我将以下字符串放入 UDF12:


当我以本地管理员身份运行脚本时,我将相同的字符串输入 Custom12。但是,当我将脚本作为本地系统运行时,我会在字符串中得到随机管道:



Function Add-UserDefinedFields {
            This function checks if HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test exists. If not, it creates the required registry structure, to support Update-UserDefinedFields.

    Set-Location HKLM:

    If (-Not(Test-Path .\Software\Test\UDF29)) {
        # If the Test registry key does not exist...
        # Create the Test registry key.
        New-Item -Path .\Software -Name Test

        # Create 30 UDF registry keys.
        For ($i = 1; $i -le 30; $i++) {
            New-Item -Path .\Software\Test -Name UDF$i

Function Update-UserDefinedFields {
            This function reads the value of each UDF registry entry, in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test and writes the value(s) to the corresponding UDF in HKLM\SOFTWARE\CentraStage.

    Set-Location HKLM:

    For ($i = 1; $i -le 30; $i++) {
        # For each of the 30 UDF registry keys...

        # Initialize variable.
        $udfValue = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[string]"

        Get-ItemProperty .\SOFTWARE\Test\UDF$i -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-String -Stream | Where-Object { $_ -NOTMATCH '^ps.+' } | ForEach-Object {

        $udfString = $udfValue -join '|'

        $udfString = $udfString.Replace(' ', '')
        While ($udfString -like "*||*") {
            $udfString = $udfString.replace('||', '|')

        If ($udfString) {
            # Trim the leading and trailing characters (|).
            $udfString = $udfString.substring(1, $udfString.length - 2)

        Write-Host ("Writing to UDF{0}: {1}" -f $i, $udfString)

        # For each Test UDF, write the concatinated value to the corresponding AEM UDF registry location.
        $null = New-ItemProperty -Path .\SOFTWARE\CentraStage -Name Custom$i -PropertyType String -Value $udfstring -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


标签: powershellregistry



    Function Add-TestUserDefinedFields {
            This function checks if HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test exists. If not, it creates the required registry structure, to support Update-UserDefinedFields.

    Set-Location HKLM:

    If (-Not(Test-Path .\Software\Test\UDF29)) {
        # If the Test registry key does not exist...
        # Create the Test registry key.
        New-Item -Path .\Software -Name Test

        # Create 30 UDF registry keys.
        For ($i = 1; $i -le 30; $i++) {
            New-Item -Path .\Software\Test -Name UDF$i

Function Update-UserDefinedFields {
            This function reads the value of each UDF registry entry, in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Test and writes the value(s) to the corresponding UDF in HKLM\SOFTWARE\CentraStage.

    Set-Location HKLM:

    For ($i = 1; $i -le 30; $i++) {
        # For each of the 30 UDF registry keys...

        # Initialize variable.
        $udfValue = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[string]"

        (Get-ItemProperty .\SOFTWARE\Test\UDF$i -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -NOTMATCH '^ps.+' } | ForEach-Object {

        $udfString = $udfValue -join '|'

        Write-Output ("The value of `$udfString is {0}" -f $udfString) | out-file C:\Synoptek\test.txt -Append

        $udfString = $udfString.Replace(' ', '')
        While ($udfString -like "*||*") {
            $udfString = $udfString.replace('||', '|')

        Write-Output ("Writing to UDF{0}: {1}" -f $i, $udfString)

        # For each Test UDF, write the concatinated value to the corresponding  UDF registry location.
        $null = New-ItemProperty -Path .\SOFTWARE\CentraStage -Name Custom$i -PropertyType String -Value $udfstring -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

