首页 > 解决方案 > 三重限制正整数组合的非递归枚举


在创建了一个迭代(非递归)函数之后,该函数以字典顺序枚举正整数的双重限制组合,对于具有非常少量 RAM(但大 EPROM)的微控制器,我不得不将限制数量扩展到 3 ,即:

  1. 对作品长度的限制
  2. 元素最小值的限制
  3. 元素最大值的限制


void GenCompositions(unsigned int myInt, unsigned int CompositionLen, unsigned int MinVal)
    if ((MinVal = MinPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, (unsigned int) (-1))) == (unsigned int)(-1)) // Increase the MinVal to the minimum that is feasible.

    std::vector<unsigned int> v(CompositionLen);
    int pos = 0;
    const int last = CompositionLen - 1;

    for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= last; ++i) // Generate the initial composition
        v[i] = MinVal;

    unsigned int MaxVal = myInt - MinVal * last;
    v[0] = MaxVal;


        if (pos == last)
            if (v[last] == MaxVal)

            for (--pos; v[pos] == MinVal; --pos);  //Search for the position of the Least Significant non-MinVal (not including the Least Significant position / the last position).
            //std::cout << std::setw(pos * 3 + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl;    //DEBUG

            if (pos != last)
                v[pos] = v[last] + 1;
                v[last] = MinVal;
                v[pos] += 1;

            v[++pos] = MinVal + 1;

    } while (true);


7, 1, 1, 1
6, 2, 1, 1
6, 1, 2, 1
6, 1, 1, 2
5, 3, 1, 1
5, 2, 2, 1
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5, 1, 2, 2
5, 1, 1, 3
4, 4, 1, 1
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1, 5, 3, 1
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1, 2, 1, 6
1, 1, 7, 1
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1, 1, 5, 3
1, 1, 4, 4
1, 1, 3, 5
1, 1, 2, 6
1, 1, 1, 7

加入第 3 个限制(元素的最大值)后,函数的复杂度显着增加。此扩展功能如下所列:

void GenCompositions(unsigned int myInt, unsigned int CompositionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0) //Decrease the MaxVal to the maximum that is feasible.

    if ((MinVal = MinPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == (unsigned int)(-1))    //Increase the MinVal to the minimum that is feasible.

    std::vector<unsigned int> v(CompositionLen);
    unsigned int last = CompositionLen - 1;
    unsigned int rem = myInt - MaxVal - MinVal*(last-1);
    unsigned int pos = 0;

    v[0] = MaxVal;  //Generate the most significant element in the initial composition

    while (rem > MinVal){   //Generate the rest of the initial composition (the highest in the lexicographic order). Spill the remainder left-to-right saturating at MaxVal

        v[++pos] = ( rem > MaxVal ) ? MaxVal : rem;  //Saturate at MaxVal
        rem -= v[pos] - MinVal; //Deduct the used up units (less the background MinValues)

    for (unsigned int i = pos+1; i <= last; i++)    //Fill with MinVal where the spillage of the remainder did not reach.
        v[i] = MinVal;

    if (MinVal == MaxVal){  //Special case - all elements are the same. Only the initial composition is possible.


        if (pos == last)        
            for (--pos; v[pos] == MinVal; pos--) {  //Search backwards for the position of the Least Significant non-MinVal (not including the Least Significant position / the last position).
                if (!pos)   

            //std::cout << std::setw(pos*3 +1) << "" << "v" << std::endl;  //Debug

            if (v[last] >= MaxVal)  // (v[last] > MaxVal) should never occur

                if (pos == last-1)  //penultimate position. //Skip the iterations that generate excessively large compositions (with elements > MaxVal).
                    for (rem = MaxVal; ((v[pos] == MinVal) || (v[pos + 1] == MaxVal)); pos--) { //Search backwards for the position of the Least Significant non-extremum (starting from the penultimate position - where the previous "for loop" has finished).  THINK:  Is the (v[pos] == MinVal) condition really necessary here ?
                        rem += v[pos];  //Accumulate the sum of the traversed elements
                        if (!pos)
                    //std::cout << std::setw(pos * 3 + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl;    //Debug

                    rem -= MinVal*(last - pos - 1) - 1;  //Subtract the MinValues, that are assumed to always be there as a background

                    while (rem > MinVal)    // Spill the remainder left-to-right saturating at MaxVal
                        v[++pos] = (rem > MaxVal) ? MaxVal : rem;   //Saturate at MaxVal
                        rem -= v[pos] - MinVal; //Deduct the used up units (less the background MinValues)

                    for (unsigned int i = pos + 1; i <= last; i++)  //Fill with MinVal where the spillage of the remainder did not reach.
                        v[i] = MinVal;

                    continue;   //The skipping of excessively large compositions is complete. Nothing else to adjust...

                /* (pos != last-1) */
                v[++pos] = MaxVal;
                v[++pos] = MinVal + 1;  //Propagate the change one step further. THINK: Why a CONSTANT value like MinVal+1 works here at all?

                if (pos != last)
                    v[last] = MinVal;

            else    // (v[last] < MaxVal)
                if (pos != last)
                    v[pos] = v[last] + 1;
                    v[last] = MinVal;
                    v[pos] += 1;
        else    // (pos != last)
            v[++pos] = MinVal + 1;  // THINK: Why a CONSTANT value like MinVal+1 works here at all ?

    } while (true);


4, 4, 1, 1
4, 3, 2, 1
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2, 1, 4, 3
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1, 4, 3, 2
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1, 3, 4, 2
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1, 2, 4, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 1, 4, 4

IOW:算法的缺陷在哪里,导致在添加一个简单的<= MaxVal限制后出现这个代码膨胀?可以不递归简化吗?


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector> 

void DispVector(const std::vector<unsigned int>& partition)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partition.size() - 1; i++)       //DISPLAY THE VECTOR HERE ...or do sth else with it.
        std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[i] << ",";

    std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[partition.size() - 1] << std::endl;

unsigned int MaxPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt, const unsigned int PartitionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((myInt < 2) || (PartitionLen < 2) || (PartitionLen > myInt) || (MaxVal < 1) || (MinVal > MaxVal) || (PartitionLen > myInt) || ((PartitionLen*MaxVal) < myInt ) || ((PartitionLen*MinVal) > myInt))  //Sanity checks
        return 0;

    unsigned int last = PartitionLen - 1;

    if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
        MaxVal = myInt - last*MinVal;   //It is not always possible to start with the Maximum Value. Decrease it to sth possible

    return MaxVal;

unsigned int MinPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt, const unsigned int PartitionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, PartitionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0)   //Assume that MaxVal has precedence over MinVal
        return (unsigned int)(-1);

    unsigned int last = PartitionLen - 1;

    if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
        MinVal = myInt - MaxVal - last*MinVal;  //It is not always possible to start with the Minimum Value. Increase it to sth possible

    return MinVal;

// Put the definition of GenCompositions() here....

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    GenCompositions(10, 4, 1, 4);

    return 0;

注意:由这些函数生成的组合的(自上而下)字典顺序不是可选的。...也不是跳过“do loop”迭代,它不会生成有效的组合。

标签: c++algorithmcombinatorics





n=15, length=4, min=3, max=5



然后我们将剩余值 15 - 12 = 3 分配到各个部分,从第一部分开始,每次达到最大值时向右移动:



我们从找到值大于最小值的最右边的部分开始每一步。(实际上这可以简化;请参阅此答案末尾的更新代码示例。)如果这部分不是最后一部分,我们从中减去 1,并将其右侧部分加 1,例如:



3,4,3,3   + 2


3,4,3,3   + 2


3,3,3,3   + 3

这就是我们的下一个作品。如果非最小值部分右侧的部分无法保持临时总计加 1,我们将再次将该部分减少到最小值并将“额外”值添加到临时总计中,并进一步查看左,例如(使用 n=17 的不同示例):

5,3,4,3   + 2
5,3,3,3   + 3
4,3,3,3   + 4


3,3,4,3   + 2
3,3,3,3   + 3




我首先将上面解释的算法直接翻译成 C++。找到最右边的非最小部分并在组合上分配值是由两个辅助函数完成的。代码一步一步地遵循解释,但这不是最有效的编码方式。请参阅下面的改进版本。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>

void DisplayComposition(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < comp.size(); i++)
        std::cout << std::setw(3) << comp[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

void Distribute(std::vector<unsigned int>& comp, const unsigned int part, const unsigned int max, unsigned int value) {
    for (unsigned int p = part; value && p < comp.size(); ++p) {
        while (comp[p] < max) {
            if (!--value) break;

int FindNonMinPart(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp, const unsigned int part, const unsigned int min) {
    for (int p = part; p >= 0; --p) {
        if (comp[p] > min) return p;
    return -1;

void GenerateCompositions(const unsigned n, const unsigned len, const unsigned min, const unsigned max) {
    if (len < 1 || min > max || n < len * min || n > len * max) return;
    std::vector<unsigned> comp(len, min);
    Distribute(comp, 0, max, n - len * min);
    int part = 0;

    while (part >= 0) {
        if ((part = FindNonMinPart(comp, len - 1, min)) == len - 1) {
            unsigned int total = comp[part] - min;
            comp[part] = min;
            while (part && (part = FindNonMinPart(comp, part - 1, min)) >= 0) {
                if ((len - 1 - part) * (max - min) > total) {
                    Distribute(comp, part + 1, max, total + 1);
                    total = 0;
                else {
                    total += comp[part] - min;
                    comp[part] = min;
        else if (part >= 0) {
            ++comp[part + 1];

int main() {
    GenerateCompositions(15, 4, 3, 5);

    return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>

void DisplayComposition(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < comp.size(); i++)
        std::cout << std::setw(3) << comp[i];
    std::cout << std::endl;

void GenerateCompositions(const unsigned n, const unsigned len, const unsigned min, const unsigned max) {

    // check validity of input
    if (len < 1 || min > max || n < len * min || n > len * max) return;

    // initialize composition with minimum value
    std::vector<unsigned> comp(len, min);

    // begin by distributing extra value starting from left-most part
    int part = 0;
    unsigned int carry = n - len * min;

    // if there is no extra value, we are done
    if (carry == 0) {

    // move extra value around until no more non-minimum parts on the left
    while (part != -1) {

        // re-distribute the carried value starting at current part and go right
        while (carry) {
            if (comp[part] == max) ++part;

        // the composition is now completed

        // keep moving the extra value to the right if possible
        // each step creates a new composition
        while (part != len - 1) {

        // the right-most part is now non-minimim
        // transfer its extra value to the carry value
        carry = comp[part] - min;
        comp[part] = min;

        // go left until we have enough minimum parts to re-distribute the carry value
        while (part--) {

            // when a non-minimum part is encountered
            if (comp[part] > min) {

                // if carry value can be re-distributed, stop going left
                if ((len - 1 - part) * (max - min) > carry) {

                // transfer extra value to the carry value
                carry += comp[part] - min;
                comp[part] = min;

int main() {
    GenerateCompositions(15, 4, 3, 5);

    return 0;
