首页 > 解决方案 > 打开文件时,Apple Script 会多次运行




on adding folder items to theAttachedFolder after receiving theNewItems
    set filepath to theNewItems as string
    if filepath contains "HA" then
        set theDialogText to "HA is in file name"
        do shell script "afplay '/System/Library/Sounds/Submarine.aiff'"
        display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Dismiss", "Print", "Go to "} default button "Go to order" with icon note

    if result = {button returned:"Go to"} then
        tell application "Finder"
            open file filepath
        end tell
    else if result = {button returned:"Print"} then
        tell application "Shelf Label Printer"
            print filepath
        end tell
        display dialog "Printed" with icon note
    end if
if filepath contains "OG" then
    set theDialogText to "OG is in file name"
    do shell script "afplay '/System/Library/Sounds/Submarine.aiff'"
    display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Dismiss", "Print", "Go to"} default button "Go to order" with icon note

    if result = {button returned:"Go to"} then
        tell application "Finder"
            open file filepath
        end tell
    else if result = {button returned:"Print"} then
        tell application "Shelf Label Printer"
            print filepath
        end tell
        display dialog "Printed" with icon note

编辑: Mojave 正在有问题的 iMac 上运行。

标签: macosdirectoryapplescript



on adding folder items to theAttachedFolder after receiving theNewItems
    repeat with thisItem in theNewItems
        set filepath to POSIX path of thisItem as string
        if filepath contains "HA" or filepath contains "OG" then
            set theDialogText to "HA or OG is in file name"
            do shell script "afplay '/System/Library/Sounds/Submarine.aiff'"
            tell application "System Events"
                display dialog theDialogText buttons {"Dismiss", "Print", "Go to"} default button 3 with icon note
            end tell
            if result = {button returned:"Go to"} then
                tell application "System Events"
                    open file filepath
                end tell
            else if result = {button returned:"Print"} then
                tell application "Shelf Label Printer"
                    print filepath
                end tell
                display dialog "Printed" with icon note
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
end adding folder items to
  • “接收后”总是给出一个别名列表,即使它是单个项目,所以我们应该循环遍历列表而不是尝试将其直接转换为字符串。
  • 您为“HA”和“OG”文件复制了相同的代码,所以我将它们合并
  • 当您的按钮是“Dismiss”、“Print”、“Go to”时,您的显示对话框将默认按钮称为“Go to order”。这引发了一个错误(显示对话框希望与其中一个按钮完全匹配)。我用索引 3 替换了它。
  • Folder Actions 和 Finder 并不总是能很好地配合使用,所以我切换到 System Events 应用程序的对话框和文件打开过程。

