首页 > 解决方案 > Is it possible to interact with GUI-based desktop applications using Python, and how?


I plan to write a service for my *nix systems that can interact with a select number of GUI applications like Photoshop, Libre Office, etc. on the local machine.

The purpose for the local service is essentially to listen to a remote message and accordingly perform specific operations- for instance, changing the background of a layer in Photoshop, or adding margins to a page in Libre Office (or MS Office). You can assume that the application is active in the display environment of the operating system.

Now my question is:

  1. Is this even possible? I personally find this task impossible unless I get to peek into the source code of these apps and basically augment these applications themselves. But since they are mostly proprietary apps, there are legal implications too.
  2. Assuming it is somehow possible by changing the source of these apps, won't a team have to figure out the architecture and the inner workings of all these specifi applications or are there general frameworks concepts I should look into?

标签: pythonuser-interfacems-officereverse-engineering


UI 应该只从主线程更新。或者只是考虑发送 Windows 消息。


Microsoft 目前不推荐也不支持任何无人值守、非交互式客户端应用程序或组件(包括 ASP、ASP.NET、DCOM 和 NT 服务)的 Microsoft Office 应用程序自动化,因为 Office 可能表现出不稳定的行为和/或在此环境中运行 Office 时出现死锁。

如果您正在构建在服务器端上下文中运行的解决方案,您应该尝试使用已确保无人值守执行安全的组件。或者,您应该尝试找到允许至少部分代码在客户端运行的替代方案。如果您使用来自服务器端解决方案的 Office 应用程序,该应用程序将缺少许多成功运行所需的功能。此外,您将承担整体解决方案稳定性的风险。在Office 服务器端自动化的注意事项文章中阅读有关此内容的更多信息。
