首页 > 解决方案 > Do leaf/downstream devices connect directly to iot-hub even when edge is used as gateway?


I am trying to setup an iot-edge device as an edge gateway. We wouldn't want our leaf/sensor/downstream devices directly connecting to the internet/cloud, and thus I would expect the iot-edge-gateway(as it name suggests) to bridge the connection between downstream devices and the cloud/iot-hub. However, I realize that the connection string for iot-hub/edge at any device level is simply


This makes me assume that downstream devices transmit messages to an endpoint (prolly messages/* )to cloud/iot-hub and it is from there that gateway gets it(works with that data maybe then) and forwards it back to the $upstream, which shuns the whole point of a gateway.

Here in the message routing section of IOT-EDGE-GATEWAY https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/how-to-create-transparent-gateway, in the ROUTE MESSAGES FROM DOWNSTREAM DEVICES section

        "sensorToAIInsightsInput1":"FROM /messages/* WHERE NOT IS_DEFINED($connectionModuleId) INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\"/modules/ai_insights/inputs/input1\")", 
        "AIInsightsToIoTHub":"FROM /messages/modules/ai_insights/outputs/output1 INTO $upstream" 

makes it sound like the gateway is routing messages falling on the built-in-endpoint(Default) to $upstream. I can't find any other clearer documentations over the web on this subject. I would really appreciate if someone clears this up. I was expecting the connection string for edge-gateway(that i'd mention in the device end to be something along the lines of localhost:port and not cloudaddress+gatewayhostname)

标签: azureazure-iot-hubazure-iot-edgeazure-iot-suite


如果您的连接字符串包含网关主机名 - 并且您在设备上使用的 SDK 可以正确处理此问题,则设备仅连接到网关,而不连接到 IoT 中心。

您可以在此处查看 .NET SDK 中的示例:

this.HostName = builder.GatewayHostName == null || builder.GatewayHostName == "" ? builder.HostName : builder.GatewayHostName;


如果设置了网关主机名,它实际上会覆盖连接的 IoT 中心主机名。
