首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在Python中四舍五入到最接近的小数


这是我第一次使用 Python。我试图弄清楚如何以最简单的方式舍入小数。

print("\nTip Calculator")

costMeal = float(input("Cost of Meal:"))

tipPrct = .20
print("Tip Percent: 20%")

tip = costMeal * tipPrct

print("Tip Amount: " + str(tip))

total = costMeal + tip
print("Total Amount: " + str(total))


标签: pythonpython-3.x


您应该使用Python 的内置 round 函数。

round() 的语法:

round(number, number of digits)

round() 的参数:

..1) number - number to be rounded
..2) number of digits (Optional) - number of digits 
     up to which the given number is to be rounded.
     If not provided, will round to integer.


print("\nTip Calculator")

costMeal = float(input("Cost of Meal: "))

tipPrct = .20
print("Tip Percent: 20%")

tip = costMeal * tipPrct
tip = round(tip, 2) ## new line

print("Tip Amount: " + str(tip))

total = costMeal + tip
print("Total Amount: " + str(total))
