首页 > 解决方案 > 如何仅使用 R 将具有相同两个标题行的各种 csv 文件合并到一个标题行的单个文档中?


我有各种不同的 CSV 文档,它们都在同一个文件夹中。所有这些文档都有 65 列,标题相同的两个标题行,它们需要合并到一个文档中。此外,我需要合并标题行。



TP1      TP1            TP2          TP2     TP2
Value    Measurement    Condition    Time    Max_Value
1.09     2.779          1            120     5.885
5.09     2.005          2            180     7.555
9.33     1.889          3            240     1.444
5.00     6.799          4            300     9.125
8.88     3.762          5            360     6.223


TP1      TP1            TP2          TP2     TP2
Value    Measurement    Condition    Time    Max_Value
2.11     4.339          7            120     6.115
5.69     8.025          8            180     7.555
8.38     5.689          9            240     5.244
9.70     7.795          10           300     8.824
8.78     3.769          11           360     3.883


TP1_Value    TP1_Measurement    TP2_Condition    TP2_Time    TP2_Max_Value
1.09         2.779               1               120         5.885
5.09         2.005               2               180         7.555
9.33         1.889               3               240         1.444
5.00         6.799               4               300         9.125
8.88         3.762               5               360         6.223
2.11         4.339               7               120         6.115
5.69         8.025               8               180         7.555
8.38         5.689               9               240         5.244
9.70         7.795               10              300         8.824
8.78         3.769               11              360         3.883



# Get a List of all files in directory named with a key word, say all `.csv` files
filenames <- list.files("C:/Users/XXXX/Desktop/Data/.", pattern="*.csv", full.names=TRUE)

# Read and row bind all data sets
data <- rbindlist(lapply(filenames,fread))

# Generate new CSV document
write.csv(data, file = "C:/Users/XXXX/Desktop/Data/OneHeader.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)


# Merging first two lines into one single header
data[] <- lapply(data, as.character)
names(data) <- paste(names(data), data[1, ], sep = "_")
new_data <- data[-1,]


如果有人可以在此帮助我,我将不胜感激,因为我是使用 R 的初学者。或者还有其他(更好的)方法来完成这项任务吗?


标签: rcsvmergelapplyrbind


这是一种 data.table 方法,主要使用fread().

由于它按文件读取列名,因此如果游览文件包含不同的标题,它也可以工作。用于填写空白列fill = TRUErbindlist()

library( data.table )

#get list of files to read
files <- list.files( pattern = "^B[0-9].csv", full.names = TRUE )

#read files to list using lapply
l <- lapply( files, function(x) {
  #read the first two rows of each file, and paste them together to get col_names
  col_names = transpose( fread( x, nrows = 2 ) )[, .(paste(V1, V2, sep = "_") )][[1]]
  #read file from except the first two rows, use col_names as header
  dt <- fread( x, skip = 2, col.names = col_names )

#bind list together
rbindlist( l, fill = TRUE )

#    TP1_Value TP1_Measurement TP2_Condition TP2_Time TP2_Max_Value
# 1:      1.09           2.779             1      120         5.885
# 2:      5.09           2.005             2      180         7.555
# 3:      9.33           1.889             3      240         1.444
# 4:      5.00           6.799             4      300         9.125
# 5:      8.88           3.762             5      360         6.223
# 6:      2.11           4.339             7      120         6.115
# 7:      5.69           8.025             8      180         7.555
# 8:      8.38           5.689             9      240         5.244
# 9:      9.70           7.795            10      300         8.824
# 10:     8.78           3.769            11      360         3.883

