首页 > 解决方案 > MS Dynamics365 - generate custom serial number, ensure uniqueness


I am developing a Dynamics365 CRM based solution, and for a custom entity we've defined, we need to create custom serial numbers.

For various business reasons, neither a GUID nor a sequential numbering scheme will do - business insists on a format of


where each group of numbers is basically a random group of numbers.

Creating those in a plugin is easy - but how do I ensure uniqueness?? I'm a C#/SQL Server developer at heart, and in SQL Server / T-SQL, I'd just create an unique index on my "Entity" table on this column. Checking if a newly created number exists would be easy-peasy - just do an

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.MyEntity WHERE SerialNum = @SerialNumGenerated)

check, and since that single column is indexed and NOT NULL, it would be quite fast, too.

But how do I do the same (at least as "same" as possible) in Dynamics365? How can I programmatically check (inside my C# plugin) if a newly created "serial number" has not yet been used - and do so it's quick enough not to slow down the save process too much? Can I somehow also "index" that property on my custom entity and do something similar to the IF EXISTS() check in T-SQL ?

Thanks for any hints or pointers!

标签: c#pluginsdynamics-crmunique-constraintdynamics-365


Assuming you are unable to design a generation formula that is astronomically unlikely to generate duplicates (e.g. a GUID). You will need to follow this general logic.

  1. Run formula to create a unique id.
  2. Search CRM via RetrieveMultiple to check for any records with that number already.
  3. If number already exists; go back to 1.
  4. Else; update record with new id.

You then have to decide where to execute your code. Two options spring to mind.

  1. In the 'box', e.g. a plugin or JavaScript. In this case you would have the issue that its possible to have multiple executions of your formula concurrently with no knowledge of each other. Depending on how likely your formula is to generate duplicates and the rate that records are created this may be acceptable.

  2. Go out of the 'box', e.g. a console application running on a schedule that finds records without numbers. It then numbers each record one by one. A single threaded approached has the benefit of ensuring uniqueness, but is going to be slower from a user perspective.

If it was me and I had to implement this requirement, I would go for option 2.
