首页 > 解决方案 > 当您的对象可以是实例列表时,Python 开放封闭原则?



class Jsonable(ABC):
    def extract_json():
        pass # return json of self

class Organization(Jsonable):
    # implements the abstract method, all good here
    def extract_json():
        return # some json of self, great!

class Feature(Jsonable):
    # implements the abstract method, all good here
    def extract_json():
        return # some json of self, great!

我有一个函数,我想传入许多不同类型的“Jsonable”并为它们获取 json,但有一个问题,“str”类是该函数的有效类型,也是 List[Jsonable]也是有效的,我如何有一个干净的函数来返回数据?

def extract(data: Union[Jsonable, List[Jsonable], str):
    if isinstance(data, str): 
        # do something about string
        # not great but I can live with this, it will never change
    return data.extract_json() # ok for the standard types (Org above)
    # what about List[Jsonable]?
    # I have many types, Organization above is one example

如何使这个提取函数不违反 OCP 并获得一种从这些类型中抽象数据的干净方法?我也应该能够从列出的类型中干净地获取 json 吗?

List 不能真正扩展 Jsonable,那么我该如何干净地处理呢?

标签: pythondesign-patternsopen-closed-principle


如果你的签名看起来像那样,你基本上是在告诉调用者他们必须传入这三种类型中的一种,你总是知道Jsonables have .extract_json(),所以......

def extract(data: Union[Jsonable, List[Jsonable], str]):
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return ...

    if isinstance(data, list):  # given the signature it's implicit everything is jsonable
        return [item.extract_json() for item in list]

    return item.extract_json()

但是,如果它真的是你在谈论的 JSON,我建议查看json.dump()default()回调,当有一个它不知道如何处理的对象时调用它:

def handle_object(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, Jsonable):
        return obj.extract_json()  # should really return something that's json encodable now
    raise TypeError(f'Not sure how to JSONify {obj}')

# ...
json.dumps(anything, default=handle_object)
