首页 > 解决方案 > DynamoDb 条件插入


我在我的应用程序中使用 C# 和 DynamoDb。我的设计假设只写只读。强烈禁止更新项目。仅插入新项目或读取现有项目。

  "PaymentInvoice":"001", //PK
  "Status":"2019-07-10T00:00:00#Approved" //SK

现在 2 个并发请求来自不同的客户端:第一个尝试Cancel付款,第二个尝试Settle(确认)付款。


  "PaymentInvoice":"001", //PK
  "Status":"2019-07-10T00:01:00#Cancel" //SK

  "PaymentInvoice":"001", //PK
  "Status":"2019-07-10T00:01:00#Settle" //SK

- 如果已取消
,您将无法结算 - 如果已结算,您将无法取消付款



标签: c#amazon-dynamodb


在我开始之前快速澄清一点。我假设一个分布式的、面向服务的架构,并且我假设对这个 DynamoDB 表的所有读取和写入都只通过一个服务发生。我将使用“应用程序”来指代您正在构建的访问表的软件,并使用“客户端”来指代任何属于您的应用程序客户端的东西。





invoiceId | eventNo | eventStatus |      datetime
      111 |       0 | created     | 2019-07-11T00:01:00
      111 |       1 | approved    | 2019-07-11T00:02:00
      111 |       2 | modified    | 2019-07-12T00:03:00
      111 |       3 | approved    | 2019-07-12T00:04:00
      111 |       4 | settled     | 2019-07-13T00:05:00

乐观锁定的一般思想是您读取当前状态,然后通过插入带有增量eventNo(相当于version在 AWS 文档中)的新记录来更新状态,条件eventNo是 尚未存在invoiceId。之所以可行,是因为当您读取现有状态时,您总是知道下一个状态eventNo应该是什么(与使用时间戳作为排序键不同)。

为了使这一点更具体,在2019-07-13客户端发送结算发票的请求时,您的应用程序读取最新状态,看到状态eventNo为 3 并且status“已批准”,因此它向 DynamoDB 提交了一个UpdateItem请求(翻译为简单的英语)说


如果两个客户端同时尝试更新状态,则只有一个 UpdateItem 请求会成功,另一个会返回ConditionalCheckFailedException


我已经十多年没有使用 C#,所以请原谅可能存在的任何语法或格式错误。

AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();

// These should be method parameters/args, but I'm directly assigning them to 
// keep this code sample simple.
var invoiceToUpdate = 123;
var invoiceNewState = "settled";

// Here's the useful part of the sample code

// First we make a query to get the current state
var queryRequest = new QueryRequest
    TableName = "Invoices",
    KeyConditionExpression = "invoiceId = :inv",
    ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> {
        {":inv", new AttributeValue {N = invoiceIdToUpdate.toString() }}

    // This assumes we only need to check the current state and not any of the historical
    // state, so we'll limit the query to return only one result.
    Limit = 1,

    // If we're limiting it to only one result, change the sort order to make sure we get
    // the result with the largest eventNo (and therefore the most recent state).
    ScanIndexForward = false,

    // This is not strictly necessary for correctness because of the condition expression
    // in the PutItem request, but including it will help reduce the likelihood of getting
    // a ConditionalCheckFailedException later on.
    ConsistentRead = true

var queryResponse = client.Query(queryRequest);

// Check to see if there is any previous record for this invoice
// Setup the default values if the query returned no results
int newEventNo = 0;
string invoiceCurrentState = null;
if (queryResponse.Items.Count > 0) {{
    // If there is any existing record, then increment the eventNo for the new record
    var latestRecord = queryResponse.QueryResult().Items[0];
    newEventNo = Convert.ToInt32(latestRecord["eventNo"]) + 1;
    invoiceCurrentState = latestRecord["eventStatus"];

var isValidChange = MyBusinessLogic.isValidChange(invoiceCurrentState, invoiceNewState);

if (isValidChange) {
    var putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest
        TableName = "Invoices",
        Item = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue>() { 
            { "invoiceId", new AttributeValue {N = invoiceIdToUpdate.toString() }},
            { "eventNo", new AttributeValue {N = newEventNo.toString()}},
            { "eventStatus", new AttributeValue {S = invoiceNewState}},
            { "datetime", new AttributeValue {S = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") }}

        // Every item must have the key attributes, so using 'attribute_not_exists'
        // on a key attribute is functionally equivalent to an "item_not_exists" 
        // condition, causing the PUT to fail if it would overwrite anything at all.
        ConditionExpression = "attribute_not_exists('invoiceId')"

    try {
        var putItemResponse = client.PutItem(putItemRequest);

    } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException ex) {
        // How you handle this is up to you. I recommend choosing one of these options: 
        // (1) Throw an exception with a more useful message explaining that the state changed while the
        //     request was being processed
        // (2) Automatically try again, starting with the query and including the business validations,
        //     and if the state change is still valid, submit a new PutItem request with the new eventNo.

    // Return an acknowledgement to the client

} else {
    throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Update is not valid for the current status of the invoice.");



是的,但它不是在数据库中实现的锁。锁定必须在您的应用程序中使用会产生额外开销的单独锁定库进行,因此除非您没有其他选择,否则不应使用此方法。对于无法更改表架构的任何阅读问题的人,您可以将您的应用程序设置为使用DynamoDB 锁定客户端锁定分区键,读取当前状态,执行写入(如果允许),然后释放锁。
