首页 > 解决方案 > 从浏览器看不到 ec2 托管的灯站点


我第一次设置了 Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 16 服务器。

使用发布的公共 IPv4 IP 地址,我已经 ssh 进入服务器并安装了灯组。

但是,当我将 IP 地址粘贴到浏览器中时,出现以下错误:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
Error: Access to the web site failed
Why you are seeing this:
The web filter could not display the requested site.

Possible reasons could be:
The web site denied you access, or the web filter received no reply from the site.
Internet connectivity issues might be preventing the website from sending or receiving traffic.
If this problem persists, please ask your administrator to:
Check access to the specific site - the HTTP error code is 504: Gateway Timeout.

从我在网上看到的情况来看,此时我应该会从我的服务器上看到默认的 apache 网页。


标签: amazon-ec2ipipv4

