首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么高阶函数会返回此(意外)类型?


对 haskell 类型感到困惑 [*]

我开始学习 haskell 并且对 haskell 类型推断的结果感到困惑(参见下面的示例)。不幸的是,我在 Haskell 中不够流利,无法提出真正的问题,所以我必须以身作则。

[*] 一旦我知道真正的问题,我会更新标题..


我正在关注Get Programming with haskell一书。在第 10 课中,展示了一种“保持状态”的方法:

-- The result of calling robot (`r`) is a function that takes 
-- another function (`message` as argument). The parameters 
-- passed to the initial call to `robot` are treated 
-- as state and can be passed to `message`.
robot name health attack = \message -> message name health attack

getName r = r (\name _ _ -> name)

klaus = robot "Klaus" 50 5

*Main> getName klaus


klaus = robot "Klaus" 50 5
peter = robot "Peter" 50 5

victor = fight klaus peter

getName victor
-- should be "Klaus"



robot name health attack = \message -> message name health attack

isAlive r = r (\_ health _ -> health > 0)

fight attacker defender = if isAlive attacker then

printRobot r = r (\name health  attack -> "Name: " ++ (show name) ++", health: " ++ (show health) ++ ", attack: " ++ (show attack))

klaus = robot "Klaus" 50 5
peter = robot "Peter" 60 7

在 ghci 中进行实验

代码在 ghci ( :l robots.hs) 中加载。当我尝试我的代码时,我发现事情并没有完全按计划进行:类型系统和我似乎对生成的类型有不同的想法。


-- in ghci

*Main> :t klaus
-- I understood: 
-- klaus is a function. I have to pass a function that
-- takes name, health, and attack as parameters and 
-- returns something of type "t". 
-- A result of same type "t" is then returned by calling klaus
klaus :: ([Char] -> Integer -> Integer -> t) -> t

-- check the "isAlive" function:
-- As expected, it returns a Bool
*Main> :t isAlive klaus
isAlive klaus :: Bool

-- This is also expected as klaus has health > 0
*Main> isAlive klaus

-- Inspecting the type of `isAlive` confuses me:
-- I do understand:
-- The first parameter is my "robot". It has to accept a function
-- that returns a boolean (basically the isAlive logic):
-- (t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) 
-- - t1: name, ignored
-- - a: health, needs to be a comparable number 
-- - t: attack value, ignored
-- - returns boolean value if the health is >0
-- What I do NOT understand is, why doesn't it have the following type
-- isAlive :: (Ord a, Num a) => (t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) -> Bool
*Main> :t isAlive
isAlive :: (Ord a, Num a) => ((t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) -> t2) -> t2

-- The signature of `isAlive` bites me in my simplified 
-- fight club:
-- If the attacker is alive,  the attacker wins, else 
-- the defender wins:
fight attacker defender = if isAlive attacker then

-- I would expect the "fight" function to return a "robot".
-- But it does not:
*Main> victor = fight klaus peter
*Main> :t victor
victor :: ([Char] -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> Bool

*Main> printRobot klaus
"Name: \"Klaus\", health: 50, attack: 5"
*Main> printRobot peter
"Name: \"Peter\", health: 60, attack: 7"
*Main> printRobot victor 

<interactive>:25:12: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Bool’
      Expected type: ([Char] -> Integer -> Integer -> [Char]) -> Bool
        Actual type: ([Char] -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> Bool
    • In the first argument of ‘printRobot’, namely ‘victor’
      In the expression: printRobot victor
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = printRobot victor



以我目前的理解,我无法解决这个问题,但现在(感谢@chi 的出色回答)我可以理解这个问题。


-- IMPORTANT: the return value `t` is not bound to a specific type
buildSSIclosure :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> ([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> t) -> t
buildSSIclosure s1 s2 i1 = (\message -> message s1 s2 i1)

buildSSIclosurehad tunbound的定义。当使用任何访问器tssiClosure实例的绑定到一个类型

getS1 :: (([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Char]) -> [Char]) -> [Char]
getS2 :: (([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Char]) -> [Char]) -> [Char]
getI1 :: (([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> Int) -> Int) -> Int

-- `t` is bound to [Char]
getS1 ssiClosure = ssiClosure (\ s1 _ _ -> s1)

-- `t` is bound to [Char]
getS2 ssiClosure = ssiClosure (\ _ s2 _ -> s2)

-- `t` is bound to int
getI1 ssiClosure = ssiClosure (\ _ _ i1 -> i1)

我直接访问对 lambda 函数的调用的两个参数这有效并将绑定t[Char]

getS1I1_direct ssiClosure = ssiClosure (\ s1 _ i1 -> s1 ++ ", " ++ show i1)


我可以通过访问器访问S1两者S2。这是有效的,因为getS1, 和getS2绑定tfrom ssiClosureto [Char]

getS1S2_indirect ssiClosure = show (getS1 ssiClosure) ++ ", " ++ show(getS2 ssiClosure)

访问 Char 和 Int

下一步是访问 int 和 string 属性。那甚至不会编译!



getS1I1_indirect ssiClosure = show(getS1 ssiClosure) ++ ", "  ++ show(getI1 ssiClosure)

    • Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Int’
      Expected type: ([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> Int) -> Int
        Actual type: ([Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Char]) -> [Char]
    • In the first argument of ‘getI1’, namely ‘ssiClosure’
      In the first argument of ‘show’, namely ‘(getI1 ssiClosure)’
      In the second argument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘show (getI1 ssiClosure)’


标签: haskelltypes


为什么签名是isAlivenot (t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) -> Bool

isAlive r = r (\_ health _ -> health > 0)

让我们从 lambda 开始。我想你可以看到

(\_ health _ -> health > 0) :: a -> b -> c -> Bool

whereb必须是类Ord(for >) 和Num(for 0)

由于参数r将 lambda 作为输入,因此它必须是一个将 lambda 作为输入的函数:

r :: (a -> b -> c -> Bool) -> result

最后,isAlive接受r作为参数,并返回与 相同的结果r。因此:

isAlive :: ((a -> b -> c -> Bool) -> result) -> result

添加约束并稍微重命名类型变量,我们得到 GHCi 的类型:

isAlive :: (Ord a, Num a) => ((t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) -> t2) -> t2


isAlive :: (Ord a, Num a) => ((t1 -> a -> t -> Bool) -> Bool) -> Bool



fight attacker defender = if isAlive attacker then

这很棘手。上面的代码调用isAlive attacker并且强制attacker具有 type (a -> b -> c -> Bool) -> result。那么,result一定是Bool因为在if. 此外,这使得defender它们具有相同的类型,attacker因为它们的两个分支都if then else必须返回相同类型的值。

因此, 的输出fight必须是“Bool生成机器人”,即不再能够生成其他任何东西的机器人。

这可以使用 rank-2 类型来解决,但如果您是初学者,我不建议您现在尝试。这个练习对于初学者来说看起来相当高级,因为有很多 lambdas 被传递。

从技术上讲,您正在到处传递 Church 编码的元组,而这仅适用于 rank-2 多态性。传递一阶元组会简单得多。


{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

isAlive :: (Ord h, Num h) => ((n -> h -> a -> Bool) -> Bool) -> Bool
isAlive r = r (\_ health _ -> health > 0)

-- A rank-2 polymorphic robot, isomorphic to (n, h, a)
type Robot n h a = forall result . (n -> h -> a -> result) -> result

fight :: (Ord h, Num h) => Robot n h a -> Robot n h a -> Robot n h a
fight attacker defender = if isAlive attacker
   then attacker
   else defender

robot :: n -> h -> a -> Robot n h a
robot name health attack = \message -> message name health attack

printRobot :: (Show n, Show h, Show a) => ((n -> h -> a -> String) -> String) -> String
printRobot r = r (\name health  attack -> 
   "Name: " ++ show name ++
   ", health: " ++ show health ++
   ", attack: " ++ show attack)

klaus, peter :: Robot String Int Int
klaus = robot "Klaus" 50 5
peter = robot "Peter" 60 7

main :: IO ()
main = do
   let victor = fight klaus peter
   putStrLn (printRobot victor)


我建议您为每个顶级函数添加类型。虽然 Haskell 可以推断出这些,但程序员手头有类型非常方便。此外,如果您编写您打算拥有的类型,GHC 将对其进行检查。经常发生 GHC 推断出程序员不想要的类型,从而使代码看起来不错。当推断的类型与其余代码不匹配时,这通常会在程序后期导致令人费解的类型错误。
