首页 > 解决方案 > 使用用户字符串中的反向单词创建数组


我正在创建一个程序,用户在其中输入一串单词(例如:我爱你),程序返回字符串中的单词数组(例如:I evol ouy)。但是,我无法让我的代码正确编译,并尝试调试,但看不到问题出在哪里。

我试图在 Slack 上寻找类似的问题,但发现的问题与从字符串中重新排列单词有关(例如:你我爱),我找不到与我类似的问题,涉及将字符串转换为数组和然后操作数组。

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("Enter a string to see it in reverse: ");
    String userEntry = sc.nextLine();
    char[] entryToChar = userEntry.toCharArray();
    String[] splitInput = userEntry.split(" "); 
    String reverseWord = "";
    int temp;
    String[] reverseString = new String[splitInput.length]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < splitInput.length; i++) 
        String word = splitInput[i];            

        for (int j = word.length()-1; j >= 0; j--) 
            reverseWord = reverseWord + word.charAt(j);

        for (int k = 0; k < splitInput.length; k++) {
                temp = splitInput[i];
                splitInput[i] = reverseWord[j];
                reverseWord[j] = temp;


     }  System.out.println("Your sttring with words spelled backwards is " + reverseWord[j]);


temp = splitInput[i];
splitInput[i] = reverseWord[j];
reverseWord[j] = temp;

标签: javaarraysstring


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String word, reverseWord;
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter a string to see it in reverse: ");
        String userEntry = sc.nextLine();


        String[] splitInput = userEntry.split(" ");


        for (int i = 0; i < splitInput.length; i++)
            word = splitInput[i];
            reverseWord = "";
            for (int j = word.length()-1; j >= 0; j--)
                reverseWord = reverseWord + word.charAt(j);
            splitInput[i] = reverseWord;

splitInput: [I, evol, uoy]

        System.out.println("Your string with words spelled backwards is: " + String.join(" ", splitInput));

你的单词倒着写的字符串是:I evol uoy
