首页 > 解决方案 > 当来自异步函数的数组准备好时,寻找运行代码的正确方法


我正在为我当前的 ES6 javascript 解决方案寻找最佳实践解决方案。我希望有人能指出我正确的方向。

我现在正在从分页的 REST API 中获取一堆帖子并将它们存储在一个数组中。帖子的获取是异步的,并且会在 DOM 准备好后的一段时间内完成。



使用 ES6 javascript 检查异步函数中的数组是否准备好循环的最佳实践是什么?


// Constant variable with the assigned value of a joined string containing the base URL structure of the REST API request. 
const apiUrl = websiteUrl + '/wp-json/wp/v2/punkt/';

// Logging out the base URL of the REST API.
console.log('REST API is this: ' + apiUrl);

// Local variable with the default value of true assigned. Variable is used to control the paginated fetch of the API.
let keepfetchingPosts = true; 

// Local variable that contains the limit of posts per request. 
let limitPerPage  = 20;

// Constant variable, which is assigned a function as the value. The function is async and will return a promise. 
// The function takes one argument. The argument holds the value of the page number. 
const getPosts = async function(pageNo = 1) {

    // Local variable assigned with the base URL string of the REST API request. Additional queries are added to the end of the string.
    let requestUrl = apiUrl + `?page=${pageNo}&per_page=${limitPerPage}`;

    // Logging out the REST API request
    console.log('URL is this: ' + requestUrl); 

    // Logging out the argument 'pageNo'
    console.log('Retreiving data from API for page : ' + pageNo);

    // Local variable assigned with a fetch function that returns a promise. The URL request are used as the function argument.  
    let apiResults = await fetch(requestUrl)

        // If request is success, then log and return the following to the local variable.

            // Logging out the status code of the response.
            console.log('HTTP response is: ' + response.status);

            // return JSON and status code of the XHR request
            return { 
                data: response.json(),
                status: response.status

        // Catch the error and log it out within the console. 

            console.log('HTTP response is: ' + error.status)


    // If the length of the request is less than the limitPerPage variable and status code is 200, then...
    if (apiResults.length < limitPerPage && apiResults.status === 200){

        // Set the boolean to false
        keepfetchingPosts = false;

        // Return the JSON of the successfull response.
        return apiResults.data;

    } else if (apiResults.status === 200) {

        // If the status code is 200, then return the JSON of the successfull response 
        return apiResults.data;

    } else {

        // Otherwise, set the boolean to false
        keepfetchingPosts = false; 


    // Defining a constant variable that holds and async fynction. An async functon will always return a promise. 
    // The function takes one argument, which is set to 1 by default.
    const getEntirePostList = async function(pageNo = 1) {

// Try and catch statement used to handle the errors that might occur. 
try {
        // Constant variable which is set to the return variable of the function getPost(). Get post returns the successfull paginated response of the request. 
        const results = await getPosts(pageNo);

        // Logging out a string including the length of the array.
        console.log('Current array contain ' + results.length + ' items...');

        // Conditional statement that checks if the length of the array named 'results' is less than the variable named limitPerPage. Condition is also checked, if bolean is true. 
        // If the conditions are met, the code will join the arrays into one big array.  
        if (results.length < limitPerPage && keepfetchingPosts === true) { 

            // Logging out a string that indicates an attempt to combine that last array to the existing array. 
            console.log('Combining last array!');

            // Return the combined array. 
            return results;

        } else if (keepfetchingPosts === true) { 

            // Logging out a string that indicates an attempt to combine the recent fetched array to the existing array.   
            console.log('Combining arrays!');

            // Returning the new combined array and increments the pageNo variable with 1. 
            return results.concat(await getEntirePostList(pageNo+1));

        } else { 

            // Logging out a string that indicates the script will stop fetching more posts from the REST API.  
            console.log('Stop fetching posts and return results');

            // Returning the complete array. 
            return results;

    // Catch statement that takes the argument of the error that occured. 
    } catch(error) {

        // Logging out the error. 


};( async () => {

    // Constant variable with the assigned value received from the function 
    const entireList = await getEntirePostList();

    // Logging out the enite list of results collected from the REST API



标签: javascriptarraysasynchronous

