首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 F# 编译器服务解析计算表达式


我开发了一个 F# REST 服务框架,该框架最近已投入生产使用,我正在开发的后续工具之一是自动OpenAPI规范生成器。生成器使用FSharp.Compiler.Services库来检查作为服务入口点公开的每个函数并生成 API 规范,包括每个参数的模式。这些参数通常是单例联合类型,它们使用特殊的rules计算表达式来定义验证规则,如下所示:

type AccoutNubmerValidationError =
| AccountNumberMustBeTenDigitsLong of string
| AccountNumberMustBeNumerical of string

/// Account Number must be a 10-digit numerical string
[<Struct; Validated>] type AccoutNumber = private AccountNumber of string

module AccountNumber = 
    let create : string -> Result<AccountNumber, AccountNumberValidationError> =
        rules {
            rule (Rules.length 10) AccountNumberBeTenDigitsLong
            rule (Rules.pattern "^[\d]{10}$") AccountNumberMustBeNumerical

我想解析rule计算表达式中的每一个(这是类CustomOperation上的a ) ,RulesBuilder这样我就可以在 OpenApi 架构上为. 虽然我可以识别正确的绑定并且我有主体,但我还没有弄清楚我需要做什么来解析该表达式并提取每个规则的值。 lengthpatternAccountNumberFSharpExpr

如果有任何关于如何使用 F# Compiler Services 解析计算表达式主体的文档,我还没有找到它。有没有人可以分享任何经验来帮助我解决这个问题?


我收到了“要求教程”的密切投票,所以我想澄清我的问题。在上面的示例中,我有一个FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue用于create绑定的实例,以及一个FSharpExpr用于表达式主体的实例。表达式看起来像这样(表示为 JSON 以使其可读):

          "Type": "FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue",
          "Range": {
            "StartLine": 15,
            "StartCol": 4,
            "EndLine": 15,
            "EndCol": 9
          "Properties": [
              "val create"
          "Childs": [
              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Application",
              "Range": {
                "StartLine": 15,
                "StartCol": 4,
                "EndLine": 15,
                "EndCol": 9
              "Properties": [],
              "Childs": [
                  "Type": "BasicPatterns.Lambda",
                  "Range": {
                    "StartLine": 15,
                    "StartCol": 4,
                    "EndLine": 15,
                    "EndCol": 9
                  "Properties": [
                      "val builder@"
                  "Childs": [
                      "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                      "Range": {
                        "StartLine": 17,
                        "StartCol": 8,
                        "EndLine": 17,
                        "EndCol": 64
                      "Properties": [
                          "member Require"
                          "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string"
                      "Childs": [
                          "Type": "BasicPatterns.Value",
                          "Range": {
                            "StartLine": 17,
                            "StartCol": 8,
                            "EndLine": 17,
                            "EndCol": 64
                          "Properties": [
                              "val builder@"
                          "Childs": []
                          "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                          "Range": {
                            "StartLine": 16,
                            "StartCol": 8,
                            "EndLine": 16,
                            "EndCol": 63
                          "Properties": [
                              "member Require"
                              "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string"
                          "Childs": [
                              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Value",
                              "Range": {
                                "StartLine": 16,
                                "StartCol": 8,
                                "EndLine": 16,
                                "EndCol": 63
                              "Properties": [
                                  "val builder@"
                              "Childs": []
                              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                              "Range": {
                                "StartLine": 16,
                                "StartCol": 8,
                                "EndLine": 16,
                                "EndCol": 63
                              "Properties": [
                                  "member Yield"
                                  "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj * Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string"
                              "Childs": [
                                  "Type": "BasicPatterns.Value",
                                  "Range": {
                                    "StartLine": 16,
                                    "StartCol": 8,
                                    "EndLine": 16,
                                    "EndCol": 63
                                  "Properties": [
                                      "val builder@"
                                  "Childs": []
                                  "Type": "BasicPatterns.Const",
                                  "Range": {
                                    "StartLine": 16,
                                    "StartCol": 8,
                                    "EndLine": 16,
                                    "EndCol": 63
                                  "Properties": [
                                      "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.unit"
                                  "Childs": []
                              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                              "Range": {
                                "StartLine": 16,
                                "StartCol": 17,
                                "EndLine": 16,
                                "EndCol": 32
                              "Properties": [
                                  "val raise"
                                  "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj"
                              "Childs": [
                                  "Type": "BasicPatterns.Const",
                                  "Range": {
                                    "StartLine": 16,
                                    "StartCol": 17,
                                    "EndLine": 16,
                                    "EndCol": 32
                                  "Properties": [
                                      "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int32"
                                  "Childs": []
                              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Const",
                              "Range": {
                                "StartLine": 16,
                                "StartCol": 34,
                                "EndLine": 16,
                                "EndCol": 63
                              "Properties": [
                                  "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string"
                                  "Must be 10 digits in length"
                              "Childs": []
                          "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                          "Range": {
                            "StartLine": 17,
                            "StartCol": 17,
                            "EndLine": 17,
                            "EndCol": 43
                          "Properties": [
                              "val raise"
                              "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj"
                          "Childs": [
                              "Type": "BasicPatterns.Const",
                              "Range": {
                                "StartLine": 17,
                                "StartCol": 17,
                                "EndLine": 17,
                                "EndCol": 43
                              "Properties": [
                                  "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.int32"
                              "Childs": []
                          "Type": "BasicPatterns.Const",
                          "Range": {
                            "StartLine": 17,
                            "StartCol": 45,
                            "EndLine": 17,
                            "EndCol": 64
                          "Properties": [
                              "type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string"
                              "Must be numerical"
                          "Childs": []
                  "Type": "BasicPatterns.Call",
                  "Range": {
                    "StartLine": 15,
                    "StartCol": 4,
                    "EndLine": 15,
                    "EndCol": 9
                  "Properties": [
                      "val rules"
                  "Childs": []


标签: f#computation-expressionf#-compiler-services

