首页 > 解决方案 > 树数据结构:我无法获得任何数据输出



我试图让程序做的是从文件中获取 int 输入(忽略任何其他形式的数据,并且只接受数字 0-99);然后使用第一个数字作为树结构的顶部,对数据进行排序,较小的整数向左,较大的整数向右。

输出将被格式化,它按从低到高的顺序打印数字,并打印它们所在的树的级别(顶部为 0,然后低于 1 的级别为 1,低于 1 的为 2,依此类推) .

我不知道我做错了什么。我尝试在 printData 和 readAndInsert 函数中运行几个循环,但它并没有给我任何关于出了什么问题的想法。

// include libraries needed

using namespace std;

// create the tree node
struct node
    int number;
    struct node *Left;
    struct node *Right;

// declare functions that will be used and defined later
void printData(struct node *);
void deleteData(struct node *);
struct node *newNode(int);
struct node *insert(struct node *&, int);
string takeFileName();
int readAndInsert(string, struct node *&);

int main()
    // create a node to be used in the program
    struct node *Root;
    Root = new node;

    // make sure the node was created
    if (Root == NULL)
        cout << endl << "Fatal error, coul dnot create newRoot node. " << endl;

    // set Root equal to NULL for the insert function
    Root = NULL;

    // call the apropriate functions
    readAndInsert(takeFileName(), Root);

    // pause the console to see any error output

    // successful run
    return 0;

// function to print the data to a file
void printData(struct node *root)
    // create an out stream and text file
    ofstream out;

    // Check to see that the file opened and output error message.
    if (!out.is_open())
        cout << "There was a problem opening the file. " << endl;
        cout << "Please try again. " << endl;

    // optional edit to print
    out << "Data" << "\t" << "Level" << endl;

    // create a node to be used in the program
    struct node *Root;
    Root = new node;

    // make sure the node was created
    if (Root == NULL)
        cout << endl << "Fatal error, coul dnot create newRoot node. " << endl;

    // set Root equal to NULL for the insert function
    Root = root;

    if (Root != NULL)
        // print and rotate to a different node
        printData(root-> Left);
        out << root->number << endl;
        printData(root-> Right);

    // close the out stream file 

// function to delete the data
void deleteData(struct node *root)
    if (root != NULL)

struct node *newNode(int data)
    struct node *temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    temp->number = data;
    temp->Left = NULL;
    temp->Right = NULL;
    return temp;

// function to insert data
struct node *insert(struct node *&root, int data)
    // create a node to be used in the program
    struct node *Root;
    Root = new node;

    // make sure the node was created
    if (Root == NULL)
        cout << endl << "Fatal error, coul dnot create newRoot node. " << endl;

    // set Root equal to NULL for the insert function
    Root = root;

    if (Root == NULL) 
        return newNode(data);

    if (data < Root->number)
        Root->Left = insert(Root->Left, data);

    else if (data > Root->number)
        Root->Right = insert(Root->Right, data);

    return Root;

// This function will take input from the user to be used as the fileName then return the name so 
// it can be used in other functions.
string takeFileName()
    // Create a fileName variable that can hole the file name to be entered.
    string fileName;

    // Output instructions to the user.
    cout << "Please enter a file name that you would like to read from (ex. InFile.txt): " << endl;

    // Take input for the fileName
    cin >> fileName;

    // Return the fileName so that it can pass to another function
    return fileName;

// read from the file and insert the numbers into the tree
int readAndInsert(string fileName, struct node *&root)
    // Start reading in from whatever file name was input.
    ifstream readFile;

    // Check to see that the file opened and output error message.
    if (!readFile.is_open())
        cout << "The fileName was not correct or there was a problem opening the file. " << endl;
        cout << "Please try again. " << endl;

        return (1); // unsuccessful run

    // Run a loop to end of file and put the numbers into the tree
    while (true)
        // Create a variable x to hold the current value read from the file.
        int x;

        // Take a number from the file.
        readFile >> x;

        // Set if statement to ignore any bad non-numeric data.
        if (readFile.fail())
            // Clear the bad entry, and then ignore it so as to avoid an infinite loop of bad data.
            readFile.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');

            // Take in the next line of the file.
            readFile >> x;

        // Break the loop at the end of the file.
        if (readFile.eof())

        // create a node to be used in the program
        struct node *Root;
        Root = new node;

        // make sure the node was created
        if (Root == NULL)
            cout << endl << "Fatal error, coul dnot create newRoot node. " << endl;

        // set Root equal to NULL for the insert function
        Root = root;

        // Set if statement to sort only numbers that are 0-99.
        if (x >= 0 && x <= 99)
            if (Root == NULL)
                Root = insert(Root, x);

            else if (Root != NULL)
                // insert and sort them into the tree
                insert(Root, x);

    // Close the readFile;

    return (0); // successful run


标签: visual-c++

