首页 > 解决方案 > 新手试图在类外的另一个函数中使用从类派生的变量


我已经建立了一个类来获取用户输入的日期和时间来创建日期时间对象。我想在另一个函数中使用该对象,但很挣扎。我大约有 2 个月的时间来编码,所以学习曲线陡峭。整个星期都在阅读和观看有关课程的视频,但似乎一直被我自己的代码绊倒


import datetime
from datetime import date

class User_Input_Date():
    """This class asks the user for a month and a year.  It takes the answers and puts them into a date object where day has been assigned to the 1st bc designed to just output month and year."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.month_input = input('What was the month (1-12)').strip()
        if self.month_input in ['01', '1', 'Jan', 'January', 'jan', 'january']:
            self.month_input = 1
        elif self.month_input in ['02', '2', 'Feb', 'February', 'feb', 'february']:
            self.month_input = 2
        elif self.month_input in ['03', '3', 'Mar', 'March', 'mar', 'march']:
            self.month_input = 3
        elif self.month_input in ['04', '4', 'Apr', 'April', 'apr', 'april']:
            self.month_input = 4
        elif self.month_input in ['05', '5', 'May', 'may']:
            self.month_input = 5
        elif self.month_input in ['06', '6', 'Jun', 'June', 'jun', 'june']:
            self.month_input = 6
        elif self.month_input in ['07', '7', 'Jul', 'July', 'jul', 'july']:
            self.month_input = 7
        elif self.month_input in ['08', '8', 'Aug', 'August', 'aug', 'august']:
            self.month_input = 8
        elif self.month_input in [
                '09', '9', 'Sept', 'September', 'sept', 'september'
            self.month_input = 9
        elif self.month_input in ['10', 'Oct', 'October', 'oct', 'october']:
            self.month_input = 10
        elif self.month_input in ['11', 'Nov', 'November', 'nov', 'november']:
            self.month_input = 11
        elif self.month_input in ['12', 'Dec', 'December', 'dec', 'december']:
            self.month_input = 12
            self.month_input = None
        self.year_input = int(input('What was the year?').strip())

    def Combined_User_Input_Date(self):
        combine_date_user_input_month_year = datetime.date(
            self.year_input, self.month_input, day=1)
        return combine_date_user_input_month_year.strftime("%m" + "-" + "%Y")

primary_bariatric_date = User_Input_Date()

def test_class_output_in_another_function(primary_bariatric_date.Combined_User_Input_Date():
    print(str(primary_bariatric_date.Combined_User_Input_Date() + "passed the test")



SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  File "/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/My Classes/User Input Date Class.py", line 50
    def test_class_output_in_another_function(primary_bariatric_date.Combined_User_Input_Date():
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

标签: python-3.xclass


我不知道你为什么Combined_User_Input_Date()一遍又一遍地重复。只调用一次,它是一个函数。我认为您要么打错了,要么一直在思考像 haskell 这样的函数式语言。

import datetime
from datetime import date

class User_Input_Date():
    """This class asks the user for a month and a year.  It takes the answers and puts them into a date object where day has been assigned to the 1st bc designed to just output month and year."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.month_input = input('What was the month (1-12)').strip()
        if self.month_input in ['01', '1', 'Jan', 'January', 'jan', 'january']:
            self.month_input = 1
        elif self.month_input in ['02', '2', 'Feb', 'February', 'feb', 'february']:
            self.month_input = 2
        elif self.month_input in ['03', '3', 'Mar', 'March', 'mar', 'march']:
            self.month_input = 3
        elif self.month_input in ['04', '4', 'Apr', 'April', 'apr', 'april']:
            self.month_input = 4
        elif self.month_input in ['05', '5', 'May', 'may']:
            self.month_input = 5
        elif self.month_input in ['06', '6', 'Jun', 'June', 'jun', 'june']:
            self.month_input = 6
        elif self.month_input in ['07', '7', 'Jul', 'July', 'jul', 'july']:
            self.month_input = 7
        elif self.month_input in ['08', '8', 'Aug', 'August', 'aug', 'august']:
            self.month_input = 8
        elif self.month_input in [
                '09', '9', 'Sept', 'September', 'sept', 'september'
            self.month_input = 9
        elif self.month_input in ['10', 'Oct', 'October', 'oct', 'october']:
            self.month_input = 10
        elif self.month_input in ['11', 'Nov', 'November', 'nov', 'november']:
            self.month_input = 11
        elif self.month_input in ['12', 'Dec', 'December', 'dec', 'december']:
            self.month_input = 12
            self.month_input = None
        self.year_input = int(input('What was the year?').strip())

    def Combined_User_Input_Date(self):
        combine_date_user_input_month_year = datetime.date(
            self.year_input, self.month_input, day=1)
        return combine_date_user_input_month_year.strftime("%m" + "-" + "%Y")

primary_bariatric_date = User_Input_Date()

def test_class_output_in_another_function(primary_bariatric_date):
    print(str(primary_bariatric_date.Combined_User_Input_Date()) + "passed the test")

