首页 > 解决方案 > 如何对齐两个数字列表


我有两个排序的数字列表,A并且至少B与. 说:BA

A = [1.1, 2.3, 5.6, 5.7, 10.1]
B = [0, 1.9, 2.4, 2.7, 8.4, 9.1, 10.7, 11.8]



如果我们将 1.1 映射到 0 0 那么 2.3 可以映射到从 1.9 开始的任何数字。但是如果我们将 1.1 映射到 2.7,那么 2.3 只能映射到 B 中从 8.4 开始的数字。

假设我们映射 1.1->0、2.3->1.9、5.6->8.4、5.7->9.1、10.1->10.7。这是一个有效的映射,距离为 (1.1^2+0.4^2+2.8^2+3.4^2+0.6^2)。


 A = [1, 2]
 B = [0, 1, 10000]

如果我们映射 1->1,那么我们必须映射 2->10000,这很糟糕。



标签: pythonalgorithm



思路如下。我们首先解决每个其他元素的问题,将其转化为非常接近的解决方案,然后使用动态规划找到真正的解决方案。这是先解决一半大小的问题,然后是O(n)工作。利用事实证明x + x/2 + x/4 + ... = 2x这是O(n)可行的。

这非常非常需要排序列表。做一个 5 跨的乐队是矫枉过正的,它看起来很像一个 3 跨的乐队总是给出正确的答案,但我没有足够的信心去做。

def improve_matching (list1, list2, matching):
    # We do DP forward, trying a band that is 5 across, building up our
    # answer as a linked list.  If our answer changed by no more than 1
    # anywhere, we are done.  Else we recursively improve again.
    best_j_last = -1
    last = {-1: (0.0, None)}
    for i in range(len(list1)):
        best_j = None
        best_cost = None
        this = {}
        for delta in (-2, 2, -1, 1, 0):
            j = matching[i] + delta
            # Bounds sanity checks.
            if j < 0:
            elif len(list2) <= j:

            j_prev = best_j_last
            if j <= j_prev:
                if j-1 in last:
                    j_prev = j-1
                    # Can't push back this far.

            cost = last[j_prev][0] + (list1[i] - list2[j])**2
            this[j] = (cost, [j, last[j_prev][1]])
            if (best_j is None) or cost <= best_cost:
                best_j = j
                best_cost = cost

        best_j_last = best_j
        last = this

    (final_cost, linked_list) = last[best_j_last]
    matching_rev = []
    while linked_list is not None:
        matching_rev.append( linked_list[0])
        linked_list = linked_list[1]
    matching_new = [x for x in reversed(matching_rev)]
    for i in range(len(matching_new)):
        if 1 < abs(matching[i] - matching_new[i]):
            print "Improving further" # Does this ever happen?
            return improve_matching(list1, list2, matching_new)

    return matching_new

def match_lists (list1, list2):
    if 0 == len(list1):
        return []
    elif 1 == len(list1):
        best_j = 0
        best_cost = (list1[0] - list2[0])**2
        for j in range(1, len(list2)):
            cost = (list1[0] - list2[j])**2
            if cost < best_cost:
                best_cost = cost
                best_j = j
        return [best_j]
    elif 1 < len(list1):
        # Solve a smaller problem first.
        list1_smaller = [list1[2*i] for i in range((len(list1)+1)//2)]
        list2_smaller = [list2[2*i] for i in range((len(list2)+1)//2)]
        matching_smaller = match_lists(list1_smaller, list2_smaller)

        # Start with that matching.
        matching = [None] * len(list1)
        for i in range(len(matching_smaller)):
            matching[2*i] = 2*matching_smaller[i]

        # Fill in the holes between
        for i in range(len(matching) - 1):
            if matching[i] is None:
                best_j = matching[i-1] + 1
                best_cost = (list1[i] - list2[best_j])**2
                for j in range(best_j+1, matching[i+1]):
                    cost = (list1[i] - list2[j])**2
                    if cost < best_cost:
                        best_cost = cost
                        best_j = j
                matching[i] = best_j

        # And fill in the last one if needed
        if matching[-1] is None:
            if matching[-2] + 1 == len(list2):
                # This will be an invalid matching, but improve will fix that.
                matching[-1] = matching[-2]
                best_j = matching[-2] + 1
                best_cost = (list1[-2] - list2[best_j])**2
                for j in range(best_j+1, len(list2)):
                    cost = (list1[-1] - list2[j])**2
                    if cost < best_cost:
                        best_cost = cost
                        best_j = j
                matching[-1] = best_j

        # And now improve.
        return improve_matching(list1, list2, matching)

def best_matching (list1, list2):
    matching = match_lists(list1, list2)
    cost = 0.0
    result = []
    for i in range(len(matching)):
        pair = (list1[i], list2[matching[i]])
        cost = cost + (pair[0] - pair[1])**2
    return (cost, result)


上面有个bug。可以用 来证明match_lists([1, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3])。然而,下面的解决方案也是O(n),我相信没有错误。不同之处在于,我不是寻找固定宽度的带,而是寻找由先前匹配动态确定的宽度。由于在任何给定位置最多可以匹配 5 个条目,因此它再次结束O(n)了这个数组和一个几何递减的递归调用。但是相同值的长时间延伸不会引起问题。

def match_lists (list1, list2):
    prev_matching = []

    if 0 == len(list1):
        # Trivial match
        return prev_matching
    elif 1 < len(list1):
        # Solve a smaller problem first.
        list1_smaller = [list1[2*i] for i in range((len(list1)+1)//2)]
        list2_smaller = [list2[2*i] for i in range((len(list2)+1)//2)]
        prev_matching = match_lists(list1_smaller, list2_smaller)

    best_j_last = -1
    last = {-1: (0.0, None)}
    for i in range(len(list1)):
        lowest_j = 0
        highest_j = len(list2) - 1
        if 3 < i:
            lowest_j = 2 * prev_matching[i//2 - 2]
        if i + 4 < len(list1):
            highest_j = 2 * prev_matching[i//2 + 2]

        if best_j_last == highest_j:
            # Have to push it back.
            best_j_last = best_j_last - 1

        best_cost = last[best_j_last][0] + (list1[i] - list2[highest_j])**2
        best_j = highest_j
        this = {best_j: (best_cost, [best_j, last[best_j_last][1]])}

        # Now try the others.
        for j in range(lowest_j, highest_j):
            prev_j = best_j_last
            if j <= prev_j:
                prev_j = j - 1

            if prev_j not in last:
                cost = last[prev_j][0] + (list1[i] - list2[j])**2
                this[j] = (cost, [j, last[prev_j][1]])
                if cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = cost
                    best_j = j

        last = this
        best_j_last = best_j

    (final_cost, linked_list) = last[best_j_last]
    matching_rev = []
    while linked_list is not None:
        matching_rev.append( linked_list[0])
        linked_list = linked_list[1]
    matching_new = [x for x in reversed(matching_rev)]

    return matching_new

def best_matching (list1, list2):
    matching = match_lists(list1, list2)
    cost = 0.0
    result = []
    for i in range(len(matching)):
        pair = (list1[i], list2[matching[i]])
        cost = cost + (pair[0] - pair[1])**2
    return (cost, result)




问题是一个完整问题的最优解可以强制从最优解到半问题多远?list2我们通过让不在半问题中的每个元素尽可能大,并且不在半问题中的每个元素尽可能小来将其推到右侧list1。但是如果我们把半问题的那些推到右边,然后把重复的元素放在它们是模边界效应的地方,我们就得到了半问题的 2 个最优解,而且没有什么比下一个元素向右移动更多的了是在一半的问题。类似的推理适用于试图迫使解决方案离开。

现在让我们讨论这些边界效应。这些边界效应最后是 1 个元素。所以当我们试图把一个元素推到最后时,我们不能总是这样。通过查看 2 个元素而不是 1 个元素,我们也添加了足够的回旋空间来解决这一问题。

因此,必须有一个最佳解决方案,该解决方案非常接近以明显方式加倍的一半问题。可能还有其他人,但至少有一个。并且 DP 步骤会找到它。

