首页 > 解决方案 > regex for a word but avoiding it if they are making another word



Japan is beautiful country. AU is the telecom company of japan, au networks are very good. Japan is famous for good restaurants.

I need a RegEx to find the 'au' or 'AU' only even if have spaces before and after, but if it is within a word like 'beautiful' and 'restaurants' I want to avoid it.






if($word == 'au') {


标签: phpregex


You can try this and just remove global handler if you want to search one time.

/(( )|^)(au)(( )|$)/gmi

I'm not sure what language you're using. I would match it using Perl with below method.

my $string = "Japan is beautiful country. AU is the telecom company of japan, au networks are very good. Japan is famous for good restaurants.";
my $matched; 
if($string=~m/(( )|^)(au)(( )|$)/gmi) {
   $matched = $2; ## This is AU, au Au or aU
## do something with $matched here

Sample of the match below.

enter image description here
