首页 > 解决方案 > 即使使用异步调用,我如何保持我的数组值?



对于每个家庭成员,我将它们放在一个数组中。为了将它们放入数组中,我进行了 3 次查询(获取成员的所有信息,使用 API 在我的数据库的某个表中检索),并使用 rxjs 中的 zip 运算符将这些查询的结果放入数组中和管他们。

即使我不在 foreach 循环中,如何保持我的数组值?

ngOnInit(): void {
    this.serviceData.currentService.subscribe(service =>
          switchMap(familles => // switchMap to switch into new observable
            forkJoin( // forkJoin to run observables in parrallel
              // map families to observables and run these calls in parallel
              familles.map(f => forkJoin(
                this.serviceAffecter.getAffecterServiceFamille(service, f.nom),
                this.serviceOpe.getOperationsServiceFamille(service, f.nom)
                ).pipe( // gather them all up
                map(([listAffecter, listeOperations]) => [f, listAffecter, listeOperations])
        ).subscribe((data: [Famille, Affecter, Operation][]) => {
          //  now that your observables are done, do the rest.
          this.familles = data.map(d => d[0]);
          for (let d of data) {
            const f = d[0];
            // why are these overwritten at every loop?
            this.listeAffecter = d[1];
            this.listeOperations = d[2];

            //Here is my foreach loop where I put the info of all my members

            for (let a of this.listeAffecter) {
              var accessoire$ = this.serviceAccessoire.getAccessoireByIdAffaire(a.idAffaire);
              var variante$ = this.serviceVar.getVarianteByIdAffaire(a.idAffaire);
              var affaire$ = this.serviceAffaire.getAffaireById(a.idAffaire);

              //Here is where I use zip to put the info in the array

              var combined$ = zip(accessoire$, variante$.pipe(), affaire$.pipe());
              combined$.subscribe(val =>
                  "value": this.getTAT(a.dateEntree),
                  "name": val[0].nom + " " + f.nom +
                    " " + val[1].nom + " " + val[2].sn,
                  "operateur": "PERSONNE",
                  "affaire": a.id

            //And this is where I want my data to be keeped

            this.element = document.getElementById(f.nom) as HTMLElement;
            this.element.innerText = "";
            this.draw("#" + f.nom, this.points, {dateDimension: false, color: "teal", labelFormat: "%Y"});
            this.points.length = 0;
            this.operation.length = 0;
      err => {



标签: angulartypescript


如果您在订阅中订阅了,那么您肯定使用 RxJS 错误。相反,您应该构建一个管道来修改通过它传递的值,直到您发出一个包含您需要的所有数据的结果。您如何将您的更改.subscribe为更像这样的东西:

.pipe(switchMap((data: [Famille, Affecter, Operation][]) => {
  return forkJoin(data.map((f,as,o) => {
    return forkJoin(as.map(a => {
      // Create your combined$ here using zip.
      return combined$;
})).subscribe(vals => {
  // Here vals is an array of arrays because of the nested forkJoin.
  this.points = vals.flat().map(val => {
    // Here you transform a value to a point.
