首页 > 解决方案 > 如何解决“无法将类型 'b' 与 ConcreteType 匹配”?


架构如下:用户生成一个 Intent,然后由系统捕获。Resolver 会找到一个合适的函数来解决这个意图。有一个索引将意图映射到在这些意图中提到其功能的模块。基本思想是模块接受一个实体并生成另一个实体作为结果。

我尝试了 ExistentialTypes,但我认为我还没有足够的专业知识来使用它们,所以我想知道是否有更简单的方法。


data Entity a = Entity {...}

data DirectionEntity = DirectionEntity {...}



handler :: Entity NavigationEntity -> IO (Entity DirectionEntity)


solveIntent :: Intent -> Entity a -> IO (Entity b)
solveIntent intent entity = do
  index <- mkIndex
  let m = searchModule index intent
  run m entity


Expected type: Entity a -> IO (Entity b)
Actual type: Entity NavigationEntity -> IO (Entity DirectionEntity)


标签: haskell


像这样的数据类型Intent不公开类型信息。for的类型与IntentforNavigationEntity -> DirectionEntity的类型相同。因此,结果的类型不能基于 改变,你就有问题了,因为这就是重点。IntentDirectionEntity -> NavigationEntitysearchModuleIntent

退后一步,你有大量的exists a b. Entity a -> IO (Entity b)s 集合。您希望能够选择两个Types — <code>a 和b— 并在您的集合中搜索匹配的函数。这是一项工作Typeable:您需要定义一个类型来保存 each exists a b. Entity a -> IO (Entity b),加上and的Typeable证据,然后应该为您正在搜索的两种类型获取证据。你不需要一个或任何东西。您只需要您正在搜索的模块的类型。要处理的最简单的集合类型是 just 。ablookupModuleTypeableIntent[]

import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection

data DirectionEntity deriving Typeable -- needs DeriveDataTypeable extension
data NavigationEntity deriving Typeable

data SomeModule =
  -- needs ExistentialQuantification, ExplicitForAll extensions
  forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => 
  SomeModule (Entity a -> IO (Entity b))

type ModuleIndex = [SomeModule]
handler :: Entity NavigationEntity -> IO (Entity DirectionEntity)
index :: ModuleIndex
index = [SomeModule handler] -- or whatever

-- really, this is more of a mapMaybe/filter than a lookup
lookupModule ::
  forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => -- needs ScopedTypeVariables
  ModuleIndex -> [Entity a -> IO (Entity b)] -- can have any number of matches!
lookupModule [] = []
-- we have a, b, which are our search queries
-- we extract x, y from the `SomeModule`
-- we have Typeable for all four, so we check for a match
-- then decide whether or not to include the function
-- (well, *we* don't really decide; without a match, it's a type error!)
lookupModule (SomeModule (x :: Entity x -> IO (Entity y)) : xs)
  -- needs GADTs, TypeOperators extensions
  | Just Refl <- testEquality typeRep typeRep :: Maybe (a :~: x)
  , Just Refl <- testEquality typeRep typeRep :: Maybe (b :~: y)
  = x : lookupModule xs
  | otherwise = lookupModule xs


> length (lookupModule index :: [Entity NavigationEntity -> IO (Entity DirectionEntity)]) 
> length (lookupModule index :: [Entity DirectionEntity -> IO (Entity NavigationEntity)])

如果您的收藏真的很大,您可能需要使用Map. 这变得更加棘手,因为我们使用了不安全的操作,但接口仍然是安全的。这应该有自己的模块,用于访问控制。

module ModuleIndex(ModuleIndex, SomeModule(..), fromList, lookupModule) where

import Type.Reflection
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Data.Map as M

data Key = forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Key (TypeRep a) (TypeRep b)
instance Eq Key where
  Key a b == Key x y =
    SomeTypeRep a == SomeTypeRep x && SomeTypeRep b == SomeTypeRep y
instance Ord Key where
  compare (Key a b) (Key x y) =
    compare (SomeTypeRep a) (SomeTypeRep x) <> compare (SomeTypeRep b) (SomeTypeRep y)
data Value = forall a b. Value (Entity a -> IO (Entity b))

newtype ModuleIndex = ModuleIndex { getModuleIndex :: Map Key Value }
data SomeModule =
  forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => 
  SomeModule (Entity a -> IO (Entity b))
fromList :: [SomeModule] -> ModuleIndex
fromList = ModuleIndex . M.fromList . fmap disentangle
  where disentangle (SomeModule (f :: Entity a -> IO (Entity b))) =
          (Key (typeRep :: TypeRep a) (typeRep :: TypeRep b), Value f)
lookupModule ::
  forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
  ModuleIndex -> Maybe (Entity a -> IO (Entity b))
lookupModule = fmap extract . M.lookup key . getModuleIndex
  where key = Key (typeRep :: TypeRep a) (typeRep :: TypeRep b)
        extract (Value f) = unsafeCoerce f :: Entity a -> IO (Entity b)
