首页 > 解决方案 > 测量功能分散 - 'd' 和 'a' 中的物种标签需要相同并按字母顺序(或仅按相同顺序)



使用 FD 包

fd_mi <- fdisp(gd_mi, ts_mi$eco_mi)   


这是我收到的错误消息:“'d' 和 'a' 中的物种标签需要相同并按字母顺序排序(或仅按相同顺序)”。

我想这意味着我加入的两个数据集中的物种名称不匹配,但是我已经在 excel 中检查了这一点,看起来确实如此。任何人都可以帮忙吗?

标签: rdplyrrstudiopacman



> dummy.dist
          sp1       sp2       sp3       sp4       sp5       sp6       sp7
sp2 0.2181884                                                            
sp3 0.5240052 0.6678082                                                  
sp4 0.6737443 0.5610028 0.8225701                                        
sp5 0.5291113 0.8145699 0.4862253 0.4843264                              
sp6 0.6100161 0.5932587 0.2784736 0.7073925 0.6067323                    
sp7 0.4484235 0.6863374 0.4848663 0.5575126 0.3023416 0.6187844          
sp8 0.4072834 0.2039443 0.5958904 0.2390962 0.5585525 0.4470207 0.7030186

> dummy$abun
      sp1 sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 sp6 sp7 sp8
com1    1   1   0   0   4   2   0   0
com2    0   0   0   2   1   0   0   5
com3    2   0   0   0   0   1   0   3
com4    1   0   7   0   0   0   0   0
com5    0   0   2   3   3   0   0   0
com6    0   3   0   0   5   6   1   6
com7    3   5   0   3   0   0   0   0
com8    0   0   0   0   6   2   1   2
com9    4   1   1   3   0   0   2   0
com10   0   4   1   0   0   0   6   1

# If we rearrange the columns in the abundance matrix...
shuffled <- dummy$abun[, sample(1:ncol(dummy$abun))]

> shuffled
      sp4 sp8 sp3 sp2 sp1 sp6 sp5 sp7
com1    0   0   0   1   1   2   4   0
com2    2   5   0   0   0   0   1   0
com3    0   3   0   0   2   1   0   0
com4    0   0   7   0   1   0   0   0
com5    3   0   2   0   0   0   3   0
com6    0   6   0   3   0   6   5   1
com7    3   0   0   5   3   0   0   0
com8    0   2   0   0   0   2   6   1
com9    3   0   1   1   4   0   0   2
com10   0   1   1   4   0   0   0   6

#...and run the function...
ex1 <- fdisp(dummy.dist, shuffled)

# ...we get this error:
# Species labels in 'd' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically
#  (or simply in the same order).

# Assuming the number and names of species are the same,
#  we can put them in the same order as the dist matrix:
shuffled[, attr(dummy.dist, 'Labels')]

# So if your issue is just the order, you might be able to solve it with:
fd_mi <- fdisp(gd_mi, ts_mi$eco_mi[, attr(gd_mi, 'Labels')])


# These two things should be:
class(gd_mi) # should be 'dist'
class(ts_mi$eco_mi) # should be 'matrix'

# These two numbers should be the same:
attr(gd_mi, 'Size')

# If they're not the same, this might show you which species names in gd_mi are not in ts_mi$eco_mi:
setdiff(attr(gd_mi, 'Labels'), colnames(ts_mi$eco_mi))

# If that still doesn't point to the issue, show us the output from:

