首页 > 解决方案 > 如果没有通过视图如何找到一个ID?


我正在尝试从主题表中获取主题 ID,以便我可以将相关关键字保存到添加了关键字的主题中。我通过为我的<select>标签分配主题 ID 的值以不同的方式添加了它,但这不是一个好习惯,因为现在我无法将主题添加到相关 ID。我需要获取主题的 ID,以便可以将主题添加到相关用户并将关键字添加到相关主题。有什么帮助吗?


        <p>Mentor Subject:
        @foreach($subjects as $s)
        <li> {{ $s['subject_name'] }} <a href="">Edit</a><a href="">Delete</a> 

        <p> Specified Keywords: 
        @foreach($subjectKeywords as $sk)
            <li> {{ $sk ['keyword_title1'] }} </li>
            <li> {{ $sk ['keyword_title2'] }} </li>
            <li> {{ $sk ['keyword_title3'] }} </li>
            <li> {{ $sk ['keyword_title4'] }} </li>
            <li> {{ $sk ['keyword_title5x'] }} </li>

        <form class="form-horizontal" method="POST" role="form"  action="/add-new-subject" >

        {{ csrf_field() }}

        <div class="form-group" data-rule="required">
            <label>Subject Titles</label> <br/>

           <select id="ddselect" name='subject_name' class="signup" required >
                <option value=""> Select Subject to Monitor </option>
                @foreach($subjectDetails as $s)
                    <option id={{ $s['id'] }} name={{ $s['id'] }} value={{ 
                     $s['id'] }}>{{ $s['subject_name'] }}</option>

            <div class="validation"></div>

        <div class="form-group">
            <input type="text" name="k1" class="signup-control form" id="k1" placeholder="Keyword 1"/>
            <div class="validation"></div>

            <input type="text" name="k2" class="signup-control form" id="k2" placeholder="Keyword 2"/>
            <div class="validation"></div>

            <input type="text" name="k3" class="signup-control form" id="k3" placeholder="Keyword 3"/>
            <div class="validation"></div>

        <div class="form-group">
            <input type="text" name="k4" class="signup-control form" id="k4" placeholder="Keyword 4"/>
            <div class="validation"></div>

            <input type="text" name="k5" class="signup-control form" id="k5" placeholder="Keyword 5"/>
            <div class="validation"></div>


        <div class="col-xs-12">
        <!-- Button -->
        <button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" class="form contact-form-button light-form-button oswald light">Select Subject</button>



        public function showSubject() {

        if(Auth::user()->id) {
            $subjects = Subject::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get();

            $subjectDetails = Subject::all();
            $subjectKeywords = SubjectKeyword::all();

            return view('mentor\showSubject', compact('subjects', 'subjectDetails', 'subjectKeywords'));

        }else {
            Session::flash("message", "Please sign in to access this page");
            return redirect('/signup');
        // echo Auth::user()->id;
        // die();
        return view('mentor\showSubject');

        public function addNewSubject() {

        if(Auth::user()->id) {
            $s1 = Input::get('subject_name');

            $subjects = new Subject();
            $subjects->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
            $subjects->subject_name = $s1;

            // echo $s1;

            $k1 = Input::get('k1');
            $k2 = Input::get('k2');
            $k3 = Input::get('k3');
            $k4 = Input::get('k4');
            $k5 = Input::get('k5');

            $sk = new SubjectKeyword();
            $sk->subject_id = $s1;
            $sk->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
            $sk->keyword_title1 = $k1;
            $sk->keyword_title2 = $k2;
            $sk->keyword_title3 = $k3;
            $sk->keyword_title4 = $k4;
            $sk->keyword_title5 = $k5;


            Session::flash("message", "Your keywords are saved");
            return redirect('/subjects');

        }else {
            Session::flash("message", "Please sign in to access this page");
            return redirect('/signup');


        Route::get('/subjects', 'MentorController@showSubject');
        Route::post('/add-new-subject', 'MentorController@addNewSubject');

我想获取主题的 ID,以便可以向主题添加相关的关键字。例如,如果用户将 CS 添加为主题,那么我将获取其 ID 并将所有关键字保存到其中。


标签: phplaraveleloquent


          <select id="ddselect" name='subject_name' class="signup" required >

          <option value=""> Select Subject to Monitor </option>

           @foreach($subjectDetails as $s)
                <option value={{ $s['id'] }}>{{ $s['subject_name'] }}</option>


//在您的控制器中,您可以通过 subject_name 获取您的 id

        $s1 = Input::get('subject_name');
    //after that get subject name based on that id 
   //then you can store both id and name separately
        $subjects = new Subject();
        $subjects->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
        $subjects->subject_name = $sample->subjectname;
