首页 > 解决方案 > 带有 GStreamer 安装问题的 Yocto OpenCV


我有一个简单的 GStreamer 管道,我通过 OpenCV VideoWriter 实例化

LOG_INFO("Opening VP8 GStreamer writer object at "
         << host << ":" << port << " with " << horizontal_resolution
         << "x" << vertical_resolution << "p@" << fps << "fps"
         << "(color=" << is_color << ")");

const std::string filename{
    " appsrc is-live=true ! videoconvert ! "
    " vp8enc cpu-used=2 threads=2 min_quantizer=5 max_quantizer=5 deadline=100000 ! "
    " rtpvp8pay ! application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=VP8,payload=96 ! "
    " udpsink host= " + host + " port= " + port

    cv::Size{horizontal_resolution, vertical_resolution},


Opening VP8 GStreamer writer object at with 160x120p@30fps(color=true)
0:00:00.003785000  3484      0xe7e0ac0 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "appsrc"!
0:00:00.003901750  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "appsrc"
0:00:00.003951125  3484      0xe7e0ac0 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "videoconvert"!
0:00:00.003972875  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "videoconvert"
0:00:00.003998375  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no source [sink=@(nil)]
0:00:00.004042250  3484      0xe7e0ac0 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "vp8enc"!
0:00:00.004070875  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "vp8enc"
0:00:00.004105500  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no source [sink=@(nil)]
0:00:00.004135750  3484      0xe7e0ac0 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "rtpvp8pay"!
0:00:00.004160250  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "rtpvp8pay"
0:00:00.004186875  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no source [sink=@(nil)]
0:00:00.004309875  3484      0xe7e0ac0 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "udpsink"!
0:00:00.004336375  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "udpsink"
0:00:00.004364125  3484      0xe7e0ac0 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no source [sink=@(nil)]

(EXE:3484): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_debug_log_valist: assertion 'category != NULL' failed

** (EXE:3484): CRITICAL **: gst_app_src_end_of_stream: assertion 'GST_IS_APP_SRC (appsrc)' failed

我的 Yocto 配置文件如下,目标平台是 i.MX8M Mini。

require conf/distro/include/yocto-uninative.inc

MACHINE ??= "e0219"
UBOOT_CONFIG[sd] ??= "e0219_config"

#MACHINE ??= 'imx8mmevk'
DISTRO ?= 'fsl-imx-xwayland'
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks"
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink"
    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \
    ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
    ABORT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qemu-native = " sdl"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-nativesdk-qemu = " sdl"

DL_DIR ?= "${BSPDIR}/downloads/"

CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " net-tools iputils dhcpcd"
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " openssh nano python3 ethtool i2c-tools strace spitools"
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " tcpdump socat opencv libmicrohttpd libsrtp curl boost"
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " nmap python-djangorestframework net-snmp"
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " openmp llvm"

如果我正确理解这一点,opencv 配方应该需要 gstreamer 及其一些插件,但在我看来,在构建之后,GStreamer 找不到运行管道所需的插件。这是 gst-inspect 的输出:

$ gst-inspect-1.0        
coreelements:  capsfilter: CapsFilter
coreelements:  concat: Concat
coreelements:  dataurisrc: data: URI source element
coreelements:  downloadbuffer: DownloadBuffer
coreelements:  fakesrc: Fake Source
coreelements:  fakesink: Fake Sink
coreelements:  fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source
coreelements:  fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
coreelements:  filesrc: File Source
coreelements:  funnel: Funnel pipe fitting
coreelements:  identity: Identity
coreelements:  input-selector: Input selector
coreelements:  output-selector: Output selector
coreelements:  queue: Queue
coreelements:  queue2: Queue 2
coreelements:  filesink: File Sink
coreelements:  tee: Tee pipe fitting
coreelements:  typefind: TypeFind
coreelements:  multiqueue: MultiQueue
coreelements:  valve: Valve element
coreelements:  streamiddemux: Streamid Demux
staticelements:  bin: Generic bin
staticelements:  pipeline: Pipeline object

Total count: 2 plugins, 23 features


使用@Subrata 建议更新 2

我将@Subrata 建议的软件包添加到我的 local.conf 中,如下所示:

CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " gstreamer1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav"

现在通过 gst-inspect 可以看到 179 个插件。


Opening VP8 GStreamer writer object at with 160x120p@30fps(color=true)
0:00:00.053317750  3520     0x16290b00 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:456:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "vp8enc"!
0:00:00.053537875  3520     0x16290b00 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "vp8enc"
0:00:00.053606125  3520     0x16290b00 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no sink [source=@0x16293290]
0:00:00.057937500  3520     0x16290b00 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:901:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: link has no source [sink=@0x162a0250]
0:00:00.081852625  3520     0x1629f720 FIXME                default gstutils.c:3981:gst_pad_create_stream_id_internal:<appsrc0:src> Creating random stream-id, consider implementing a deterministic way of creating a stream-id

标签: c++opencvgstreameryocto


尝试重新gstreamer安装gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-uglygstreamer1.0-libav.


libav具有用于编码 40 多种格式(MPEG、DivX、MPEG4、AC3、DV、...)的元素,用于解码 90 多种格式(AVI、MPEG、OGG、Matroska、ASF...)的解码元素。
