首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 Azure Databricks 上的 scala 在循环中将新列添加到数据框


我已使用 scala 将 csv 文件导入 Azure Databricks 中的数据框。

A  B  C  D  E
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2


A  B  B2       C  D  D2       E
a1 b1 hash(b1) c1 d1 hash(d1) e1
a2 b2 hash(b2) c2 d2 hash(d2) e2


val data_df = spark.read.format("csv").option("header", "true").option("sep", ",").load(input_file)
for (col <- columns) {
    if (columnMapping.keys.contains((col))){
        val newColName = col + "_token"
        // Now here I want to add a new column to data_df and the content would be hash of the current value
// And here I would like to upload selective columns (B, B2, D, D2) to a SQL database


标签: scalaapache-sparkapache-spark-sqldatabricksazure-databricks


尝试这个 -

val colsToApplyHash = Array("B","D")

val hashFunction:String => String = <ACTUAL HASH LOGIC>
val hash = udf(hashFunction)

val finalDf = colsToApplyHash.foldLeft(data_df){
  case(acc,colName) => acc.withColumn(colName+"2",hash(col(colName)))
